
open fun pick(x: <Error class: unknown class>, y: <Error class: unknown class>, flags: PickFlags): Widget?(source)

Finds the descendant of @widget closest to the point (@x, @y).

The point must be given in widget coordinates, so (0, 0) is assumed to be the top left of @widget's content area.

Usually widgets will return null if the given coordinate is not contained in @widget checked via method@Gtk.Widget.contains. Otherwise they will recursively try to find a child that does not return null. Widgets are however free to customize their picking algorithm.

This function is used on the toplevel to determine the widget below the mouse cursor for purposes of hover highlighting and delivering events.


The widget descendant at the given point



X coordinate to test, relative to @widget's origin


Y coordinate to test, relative to @widget's origin


Flags to influence what is picked