
enum Easing : Enum<Easing>

Describes the available easing functions for use with class@TimedAnimation.

New values may be added to this enumeration over time.


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Linear tweening.

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Quadratic tweening.

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Quadratic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_QUAD.

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Quadratic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_QUAD and ADW_EASE_OUT_QUAD.

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Cubic tweening.

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Cubic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_CUBIC.

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Cubic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_CUBIC and ADW_EASE_OUT_CUBIC.

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Quartic tweening.

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Quartic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_QUART.

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Quartic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_QUART and ADW_EASE_OUT_QUART.

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Quintic tweening.

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Quintic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_QUINT.

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Quintic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_QUINT and ADW_EASE_OUT_QUINT.

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Sine wave tweening.

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Sine wave tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_SINE.

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Sine wave tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_SINE and ADW_EASE_OUT_SINE.

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Exponential tweening.

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Exponential tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_EXPO.

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Exponential tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_EXPO and ADW_EASE_OUT_EXPO.

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Circular tweening.

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Circular tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_CIRC.

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Circular tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_CIRC and ADW_EASE_OUT_CIRC.

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Elastic tweening, with offshoot on start.

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Elastic tweening, with offshoot on end, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_ELASTIC.

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Elastic tweening, with offshoot on both ends, combining ADW_EASE_IN_ELASTIC and ADW_EASE_OUT_ELASTIC.

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Overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on start.

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Overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on end, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_BACK.

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Overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on both ends, combining ADW_EASE_IN_BACK and ADW_EASE_OUT_BACK.

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Exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, on start.

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Exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on end, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_BOUNCE.

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Exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on both ends, combining ADW_EASE_IN_BOUNCE and ADW_EASE_OUT_BOUNCE.


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object Companion


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val nativeValue: <Error class: unknown class>
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fun valueOf(value: String): Easing

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.