
class Euler(val grapheneEulerPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>, cleaner: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Describe a rotation using Euler angles.

The contents of the #graphene_euler_t structure are private and should never be accessed directly.




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Allocate a new Euler.

constructor(scope: <Error class: unknown class>)

Allocate a new Euler using the provided AutofreeScope.

constructor(grapheneEulerPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>, cleaner: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)


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object Companion


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val grapheneEulerPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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Checks if two #graphene_euler_t are equal.

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fun free()

Frees the resources allocated by graphene_euler_alloc().

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fun getAlpha(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the first component of the Euler angle vector, depending on the order of rotation.

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fun getBeta(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the second component of the Euler angle vector, depending on the order of rotation.

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fun getGamma(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the third component of the Euler angle vector, depending on the order of rotation.

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Retrieves the order used to apply the rotations described in the #graphene_euler_t structure, when converting to and from other structures, like #graphene_quaternion_t and #graphene_matrix_t.

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fun getX(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the rotation angle on the X axis, in degrees.

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fun getY(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the rotation angle on the Y axis, in degrees.

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fun getZ(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the rotation angle on the Z axis, in degrees.

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fun init(x: <Error class: unknown class>, y: <Error class: unknown class>, z: <Error class: unknown class>): Euler

Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the given angles.

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fun initFromEuler(src: Euler? = null): Euler

Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the angles and order of another #graphene_euler_t.

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fun initFromMatrix(m: Matrix? = null, order: EulerOrder): Euler

Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the given rotation matrix.

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Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the given normalized quaternion.

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fun initFromRadians(x: <Error class: unknown class>, y: <Error class: unknown class>, z: <Error class: unknown class>, order: EulerOrder): Euler

Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the given angles and order of rotation.

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fun initFromVec3(v: Vec3? = null, order: EulerOrder): Euler

Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the angles contained in a #graphene_vec3_t.

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fun initWithOrder(x: <Error class: unknown class>, y: <Error class: unknown class>, z: <Error class: unknown class>, order: EulerOrder): Euler

Initializes a #graphene_euler_t with the given angles and @order.

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fun reorder(order: EulerOrder, res: Euler)

Reorders a #graphene_euler_t using @order.

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fun toMatrix(res: Matrix)

Converts a #graphene_euler_t into a transformation matrix expressing the extrinsic composition of rotations described by the Euler angles.

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Converts a #graphene_euler_t into a #graphene_quaternion_t.

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fun toVec3(res: Vec3)

Retrieves the angles of a #graphene_euler_t and initializes a #graphene_vec3_t with them.