
interface Scrollable

GtkScrollable is an interface for widgets with native scrolling ability.

To implement this interface you should override the property@Gtk.Scrollable:hadjustment and property@Gtk.Scrollable:vadjustment properties.

Creating a scrollable widget

All scrollable widgets should do the following.

  • When a parent widget sets the scrollable child widget’s adjustments, the widget should connect to the signal@Gtk.Adjustment::value-changed signal. The child widget should then populate the adjustments’ properties as soon as possible, which usually means queueing an allocation right away and populating the properties in the vfunc@Gtk.Widget.size_allocate implementation.

  • Because its preferred size is the size for a fully expanded widget, the scrollable widget must be able to cope with underallocations. This means that it must accept any value passed to its vfunc@Gtk.Widget.size_allocate implementation.

  • When the parent allocates space to the scrollable child widget, the widget must ensure the adjustments’ property values are correct and up to date, for example using method@Gtk.Adjustment.configure.

  • When any of the adjustments emits the signal@Gtk.Adjustment::value-changed signal, the scrollable widget should scroll its contents.



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object Companion


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abstract val gtkScrollablePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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Horizontal GtkAdjustment of the scrollable widget.

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Determines when horizontal scrolling should start.

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Vertical GtkAdjustment of the scrollable widget.

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Determines when vertical scrolling should start.


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open fun getBorder(border: Border): Boolean

Returns the size of a non-scrolling border around the outside of the scrollable.

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Retrieves the GtkAdjustment used for horizontal scrolling.

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Gets the horizontal GtkScrollablePolicy.

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Retrieves the GtkAdjustment used for vertical scrolling.

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Gets the vertical GtkScrollablePolicy.

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open fun setHadjustment(hadjustment: Adjustment? = null)

Sets the horizontal adjustment of the GtkScrollable.

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Sets the GtkScrollablePolicy.

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open fun setVadjustment(vadjustment: Adjustment? = null)

Sets the vertical adjustment of the GtkScrollable.

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Sets the GtkScrollablePolicy.