
open class CellRendererToggle(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : CellRenderer

Renders a toggle button in a cell

GtkCellRendererToggle renders a toggle button in a cell. The button is drawn as a radio or a checkbutton, depending on the GtkCellRendererToggle:radio property. When activated, it emits the GtkCellRendererToggle::toggled signal.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • method inconsistent: Property has no getter nor setter


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Creates a new GtkCellRendererToggle. Adjust rendering parameters using object properties. Object properties can be set globally (with g_object_set()). Also, with GtkTreeViewColumn, you can bind a property to a value in a GtkTreeModel. For example, you can bind the “active” property on the cell renderer to a boolean value in the model, thus causing the check button to reflect the state of the model.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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open var active: Boolean
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val gtkCellRendererPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val gtkCellRendererTogglePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var radio: Boolean
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open var sensitive: Boolean
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open var visible: Boolean


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open fun activate(event: <Error class: unknown class>, widget: Widget, path: String, backgroundArea: <Error class: unknown class>, cellArea: <Error class: unknown class>, flags: CellRendererState): Boolean

Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing. Some cell renderers may use events; for example, GtkCellRendererToggle toggles when it gets a mouse click.

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fun connectEditingCanceled(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

This signal gets emitted when the user cancels the process of editing a cell. For example, an editable cell renderer could be written to cancel editing when the user presses Escape.

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fun connectEditingStarted(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (editable: CellEditable, path: String) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

This signal gets emitted when a cell starts to be edited. The intended use of this signal is to do special setup on @editable, e.g. adding a GtkEntryCompletion or setting up additional columns in a GtkComboBox.

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fun connectToggled(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (path: String) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

The ::toggled signal is emitted when the cell is toggled.

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Returns whether the cell renderer is activatable. See gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_activatable().

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open fun getActive(): Boolean

Returns whether the cell renderer is active. See gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_active().

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open fun getAlignedArea(widget: Widget, flags: CellRendererState, cellArea: <Error class: unknown class>, alignedArea: <Error class: unknown class>)

Gets the aligned area used by @cell inside @cell_area. Used for finding the appropriate edit and focus rectangle.

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Checks whether the given GtkCellRenderer is expanded.

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Checks whether the given GtkCellRenderer is an expander.

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open fun getPreferredSize(widget: Widget, minimumSize: Requisition?, naturalSize: Requisition?)

Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a cell taking into account the widget’s preference for height-for-width management.

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open fun getRadio(): Boolean

Returns whether we’re rendering radio toggles rather than checkboxes.

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Gets whether the cell renderer prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout.

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open fun getSensitive(): Boolean

Returns the cell renderer’s sensitivity.

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open fun getState(widget: Widget? = null, cellState: CellRendererState): StateFlags

Translates the cell renderer state to GtkStateFlags, based on the cell renderer and widget sensitivity, and the given GtkCellRendererState.

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open fun getVisible(): Boolean

Returns the cell renderer’s visibility.

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Checks whether the cell renderer can do something when activated.

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open fun setActivatable(setting: Boolean)

Makes the cell renderer activatable.

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open fun setActive(setting: Boolean)

Activates or deactivates a cell renderer.

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open fun setAlignment(xalign: Float, yalign: Float)

Sets the renderer’s alignment within its available space.

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open fun setFixedSize(width: Int, height: Int)

Sets the renderer size to be explicit, independent of the properties set.

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open fun setIsExpanded(isExpanded: Boolean)

Sets whether the given GtkCellRenderer is expanded.

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open fun setIsExpander(isExpander: Boolean)

Sets whether the given GtkCellRenderer is an expander.

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open fun setPadding(xpad: Int, ypad: Int)

Sets the renderer’s padding.

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open fun setRadio(radio: Boolean)

If @radio is true, the cell renderer renders a radio toggle (i.e. a toggle in a group of mutually-exclusive toggles). If false, it renders a check toggle (a standalone boolean option). This can be set globally for the cell renderer, or changed just before rendering each cell in the model (for GtkTreeView, you set up a per-row setting using GtkTreeViewColumn to associate model columns with cell renderer properties).

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open fun setSensitive(sensitive: Boolean)

Sets the cell renderer’s sensitivity.

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open fun setVisible(visible: Boolean)

Sets the cell renderer’s visibility.

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open fun startEditing(event: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, widget: Widget, path: String, backgroundArea: <Error class: unknown class>, cellArea: <Error class: unknown class>, flags: CellRendererState): CellEditable?

Starts editing the contents of this @cell, through a new GtkCellEditable widget created by the GtkCellRendererClass.start_editing virtual function.

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open fun stopEditing(canceled: Boolean)

Informs the cell renderer that the editing is stopped. If @canceled is true, the cell renderer will emit the GtkCellRenderer::editing-canceled signal.