
typealias DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc = (connection: DBusConnection, sender: String, objectPath: String, interfaceName: String, node: String) -> DBusInterfaceVTable?

The type of the @dispatch function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable.

Subtrees are flat. @node, if non-null, is always exactly one segment of the object path (ie: it never contains a slash).

  • param connection A #GDBusConnection.

  • param sender The unique bus name of the remote caller.

  • param objectPath The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().

  • param interfaceName The D-Bus interface name that the method call or property access is for.

  • param node A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or null for the root of the subtree.

  • return A #GDBusInterfaceVTable or null if you don't want to handle the methods.