
open class DesktopAppInfo(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : AppInfo

#GDesktopAppInfo is an implementation of #GAppInfo based on desktop files.

Note that <gio/gdesktopappinfo.h> belongs to the UNIX-specific GIO interfaces, thus you have to use the gio-unix-2.0.pc pkg-config file when using it.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • parameter length: length: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter pid_callback: DesktopAppLaunchCallback

  • parameter pid_callback: DesktopAppLaunchCallback

  • function search: Nested array types are not supported


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constructor(desktopId: String)

Creates a new #GDesktopAppInfo based on a desktop file id.

constructor(keyFile: <Error class: unknown class>)

Creates a new #GDesktopAppInfo.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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open val filename: String?

The origin filename of this #GDesktopAppInfo

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open override val gioAppInfoPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val gioDesktopAppInfoPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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open fun addSupportsType(contentType: String): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Adds a content type to the application information to indicate the application is capable of opening files with the given content type.

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open fun canDelete(): Boolean

Obtains the information whether the #GAppInfo can be deleted. See g_app_info_delete().

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Checks if a supported content type can be removed from an application.

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open fun delete(): Boolean

Tries to delete a #GAppInfo.

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open fun dup(): AppInfo

Creates a duplicate of a #GAppInfo.

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open fun equal(appinfo2: AppInfo): Boolean

Checks if two #GAppInfos are equal.

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open fun getActionName(actionName: String): String

Gets the user-visible display name of the "additional application action" specified by @action_name.

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open fun getBoolean(key: String): Boolean

Looks up a boolean value in the keyfile backing @info.

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open fun getCategories(): String?

Gets the categories from the desktop file.

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open fun getCommandline(): String?

Gets the commandline with which the application will be started.

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open fun getDescription(): String?

Gets a human-readable description of an installed application.

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Gets the display name of the application. The display name is often more descriptive to the user than the name itself.

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open fun getExecutable(): String

Gets the executable's name for the installed application.

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open fun getFilename(): String?

When @info was created from a known filename, return it. In some situations such as the #GDesktopAppInfo returned from g_desktop_app_info_new_from_keyfile(), this function will return null.

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open fun getGenericName(): String?

Gets the generic name from the desktop file.

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open fun getIcon(): Icon?

Gets the icon for the application.

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open fun getId(): String?

Gets the ID of an application. An id is a string that identifies the application. The exact format of the id is platform dependent. For instance, on Unix this is the desktop file id from the xdg menu specification.

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open fun getIsHidden(): Boolean

A desktop file is hidden if the Hidden key in it is set to True.

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open fun getKeywords(): List<String>

Gets the keywords from the desktop file.

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open fun getLocaleString(key: String): String?

Looks up a localized string value in the keyfile backing @info translated to the current locale.

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open fun getName(): String

Gets the installed name of the application.

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open fun getNodisplay(): Boolean

Gets the value of the NoDisplay key, which helps determine if the application info should be shown in menus. See %G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NO_DISPLAY and g_app_info_should_show().

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open fun getShowIn(desktopEnv: String? = null): Boolean

Checks if the application info should be shown in menus that list available applications for a specific name of the desktop, based on the OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn keys.

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Retrieves the StartupWMClass field from @info. This represents the WM_CLASS property of the main window of the application, if launched through @info.

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open fun getString(key: String): String?

Looks up a string value in the keyfile backing @info.

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Retrieves the list of content types that @app_info claims to support. If this information is not provided by the environment, this function will return null. This function does not take in consideration associations added with g_app_info_add_supports_type(), but only those exported directly by the application.

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open fun hasKey(key: String): Boolean

Returns whether @key exists in the "Desktop Entry" group of the keyfile backing @info.

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open fun launch(files: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, context: AppLaunchContext? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Launches the application. Passes @files to the launched application as arguments, using the optional @context to get information about the details of the launcher (like what screen it is on). On error, @error will be set accordingly.

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open fun launchAction(actionName: String, launchContext: AppLaunchContext? = null)

Activates the named application action.

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open fun launchUris(uris: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, context: AppLaunchContext? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Launches the application. This passes the @uris to the launched application as arguments, using the optional @context to get information about the details of the launcher (like what screen it is on). On error, @error will be set accordingly.

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open fun launchUrisAsync(uris: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, context: AppLaunchContext? = null, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

Async version of g_app_info_launch_uris().

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open fun launchUrisFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Finishes a g_app_info_launch_uris_async() operation.

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open fun listActions(): List<String>

Returns the list of "additional application actions" supported on the desktop file, as per the desktop file specification.

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open fun removeSupportsType(contentType: String): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Removes a supported type from an application, if possible.

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open fun setAsDefaultForExtension(extension: String): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Sets the application as the default handler for the given file extension.

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open fun setAsDefaultForType(contentType: String): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Sets the application as the default handler for a given type.

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open fun setAsLastUsedForType(contentType: String): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Sets the application as the last used application for a given type. This will make the application appear as first in the list returned by g_app_info_get_recommended_for_type(), regardless of the default application for that content type.

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open fun shouldShow(): Boolean

Checks if the application info should be shown in menus that list available applications.

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Checks if the application accepts files as arguments.

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open fun supportsUris(): Boolean

Checks if the application supports reading files and directories from URIs.