
open class NativeDialog(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

Native dialogs are platform dialogs that don't use GtkDialog.

They are used in order to integrate better with a platform, by looking the same as other native applications and supporting platform specific features.

The class@Gtk.Dialog functions cannot be used on such objects, but we need a similar API in order to drive them. The GtkNativeDialog object is an API that allows you to do this. It allows you to set various common properties on the dialog, as well as show and hide it and get a signal@Gtk.NativeDialog::response signal when the user finished with the dialog.

Note that unlike GtkDialog, GtkNativeDialog objects are not toplevel widgets, and GTK does not keep them alive. It is your responsibility to keep a reference until you are done with the object.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • method title: Property TypeInfo of getter and setter do not match



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constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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val gtkNativeDialogPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var modal: Boolean

Whether the window should be modal with respect to its transient parent.

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open var transientFor: Window?

The transient parent of the dialog, or null for none.

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open val visible: Boolean

Whether the window is currently visible.


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fun connectResponse(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (responseId: Int) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the user responds to the dialog.

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open fun destroy()

Destroys a dialog.

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open fun getModal(): Boolean

Returns whether the dialog is modal.

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open fun getTitle(): String?

Gets the title of the GtkNativeDialog.

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open fun getTransientFor(): Window?

Fetches the transient parent for this window.

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open fun getVisible(): Boolean

Determines whether the dialog is visible.

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open fun hide()

Hides the dialog if it is visible, aborting any interaction.

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open fun setModal(modal: Boolean)

Sets a dialog modal or non-modal.

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open fun setTitle(title: String)

Sets the title of the GtkNativeDialog.

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open fun setTransientFor(parent: Window? = null)

Dialog windows should be set transient for the main application window they were spawned from.

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open fun show()

Shows the dialog on the display.