
interface ProxyResolver

#GProxyResolver provides synchronous and asynchronous network proxy resolution. #GProxyResolver is used within #GSocketClient through the method g_socket_connectable_proxy_enumerate().

Implementations of #GProxyResolver based on libproxy and GNOME settings can be found in glib-networking. GIO comes with an implementation for use inside Flatpak portals.





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object Companion


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abstract val gioProxyResolverPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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open fun isSupported(): Boolean

Checks if @resolver can be used on this system. (This is used internally; g_proxy_resolver_get_default() will only return a proxy resolver that returns true for this method.)

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open fun lookup(uri: String, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<String>>

Looks into the system proxy configuration to determine what proxy, if any, to use to connect to @uri. The returned proxy URIs are of the form <protocol>://[user[:password]@]host:port or direct://, where could be http, rtsp, socks or other proxying protocol.

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open fun lookupAsync(uri: String, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

Asynchronous lookup of proxy. See g_proxy_resolver_lookup() for more details.

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open fun lookupFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><List<String>>

Call this function to obtain the array of proxy URIs when g_proxy_resolver_lookup_async() is complete. See g_proxy_resolver_lookup() for more details.