Package-level declarations


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interface Bitfield<T : Bitfield<T>>

Marker interface for wrapper classes that represent C bitfields.

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open class GlibException(val error: Error)

An exception that represents a GLib GError that occurred.

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interface Interface

Marker interface for wrapper classes that represent GType interfaces.

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interface Record

Marker interface for wrapper classes that represent C structs.

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An interface that should be implemented by companion objects for wrapper classes that wrap Records (C structs).

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class RecordRef<TYPE : Record>(nativePtr: <Error class: unknown class>, record: TYPE)

A reference to a heap allocated Record (C struct).


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val staticStableRefDestroy: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class><(<Error class: unknown class>?, <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>?) -> Unit>>

Helper function that can be used as a destroy_data handler when connecting to a signal or when executing callbacks.


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Allocate memory and instantiate a wrapper instance of this record type on the native heap.

inline fun <COMPANION : RecordCompanion<TYPE, STRUCT>, TYPE : Record, STRUCT> COMPANION.allocate(scope: <Error class: unknown class>): TYPE

Allocate memory and instantiate a wrapper instance of this record in the given MemScope

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fun <T : Bitfield<T>> flagsOf(first: T, vararg flags: T): T

Utility function for combining bitfields to make passing flag arguments to methods more readable and explicit instead of chaining or calls in the argument list.