Package-level declarations
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class ConsoleLogWriter(minLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, formatter: LogFormatter = LogcatLogFormatter().withColor()) : LogWriter
A LogWriter that mimics the Android Logcat output style using println()
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A LogWriter implementation that uses GLib's g_log
for logging.
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fun Log.installConsoleLogWriter(minLevelDebug: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, minLevelRelease: LogLevel = defaultReleaseLogLevel, time: Boolean = true)
Installs this writer for both debug and release builds.
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fun Log.installConsoleLogWriterForDebugBuilds(minLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, time: Boolean = true)
Installs this writer for debug builds if the application is debuggable.
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fun Log.installConsoleLogWriterForReleaseBuilds(minLevel: LogLevel = defaultReleaseLogLevel, time: Boolean = true)
Installs this writer for release builds if the application is not debuggable.
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fun Log.installGLibLogWriter(minLevelDebug: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, minLevelRelease: LogLevel = defaultReleaseLogLevel)
Installs this writer for both debug and release builds.
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Installs this writer for debug builds if the application is debuggable.
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Installs this writer for release builds if the application is not debuggable.