
interface ColorChooser

GtkColorChooser is an interface that is implemented by widgets for choosing colors.

Depending on the situation, colors may be allowed to have alpha (translucency).

In GTK, the main widgets that implement this interface are class@Gtk.ColorChooserWidget, class@Gtk.ColorChooserDialog and class@Gtk.ColorButton.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • parameter colors: Gdk.RGBA

  • method rgba: Property has no getter



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object Companion


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abstract val gtkColorChooserPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var useAlpha: Boolean

Whether colors may have alpha (translucency).


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open fun connectColorActivated(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (<Error class: unknown class>) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when a color is activated from the color chooser.

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open fun getRgba(color: <Error class: unknown class>)

Gets the currently-selected color.

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open fun getUseAlpha(): Boolean

Returns whether the color chooser shows the alpha channel.

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open fun setRgba(color: <Error class: unknown class>)

Sets the color.

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open fun setUseAlpha(useAlpha: Boolean)

Sets whether or not the color chooser should use the alpha channel.