
open class Widget(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Accessible, Buildable, ConstraintTarget

The base class for all widgets.

GtkWidget is the base class all widgets in GTK derive from. It manages the widget lifecycle, layout, states and style.

Height-for-width Geometry Management

GTK uses a height-for-width (and width-for-height) geometry management system. Height-for-width means that a widget can change how much vertical space it needs, depending on the amount of horizontal space that it is given (and similar for width-for-height). The most common example is a label that reflows to fill up the available width, wraps to fewer lines, and therefore needs less height.

Height-for-width geometry management is implemented in GTK by way of two virtual methods:

  • vfunc@Gtk.Widget.get_request_mode

  • vfunc@Gtk.Widget.measure

There are some important things to keep in mind when implementing height-for-width and when using it in widget implementations.

If you implement a direct GtkWidget subclass that supports height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management for itself or its child widgets, the vfunc@Gtk.Widget.get_request_mode virtual function must be implemented as well and return the widget's preferred request mode. The default implementation of this virtual function returns %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_CONSTANT_SIZE, which means that the widget will only ever get -1 passed as the for_size value to its vfunc@Gtk.Widget.measure implementation.

The geometry management system will query a widget hierarchy in only one orientation at a time. When widgets are initially queried for their minimum sizes it is generally done in two initial passes in the enum@Gtk.SizeRequestMode chosen by the toplevel.

For example, when queried in the normal %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH mode:

First, the default minimum and natural width for each widget in the interface will be computed using id@gtk_widget_measure with an orientation of %GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL and a for_size of -1. Because the preferred widths for each widget depend on the preferred widths of their children, this information propagates up the hierarchy, and finally a minimum and natural width is determined for the entire toplevel. Next, the toplevel will use the minimum width to query for the minimum height contextual to that width using id@gtk_widget_measure with an orientation of %GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL and a for_size of the just computed width. This will also be a highly recursive operation. The minimum height for the minimum width is normally used to set the minimum size constraint on the toplevel.

After the toplevel window has initially requested its size in both dimensions it can go on to allocate itself a reasonable size (or a size previously specified with method@Gtk.Window.set_default_size). During the recursive allocation process it’s important to note that request cycles will be recursively executed while widgets allocate their children. Each widget, once allocated a size, will go on to first share the space in one orientation among its children and then request each child's height for its target allocated width or its width for allocated height, depending. In this way a GtkWidget will typically be requested its size a number of times before actually being allocated a size. The size a widget is finally allocated can of course differ from the size it has requested. For this reason, GtkWidget caches a small number of results to avoid re-querying for the same sizes in one allocation cycle.

If a widget does move content around to intelligently use up the allocated size then it must support the request in both GtkSizeRequestModes even if the widget in question only trades sizes in a single orientation.

For instance, a class@Gtk.Label that does height-for-width word wrapping will not expect to have vfunc@Gtk.Widget.measure with an orientation of %GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL called because that call is specific to a width-for-height request. In this case the label must return the height required for its own minimum possible width. By following this rule any widget that handles height-for-width or width-for-height requests will always be allocated at least enough space to fit its own content.

Here are some examples of how a %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH widget generally deals with width-for-height requests:

static void
foo_widget_measure (GtkWidget *widget,
GtkOrientation orientation,
int for_size,
int *minimum_size,
int *natural_size,
int *minimum_baseline,
int *natural_baseline)
// Calculate minimum and natural width
else // VERTICAL
if (i_am_in_height_for_width_mode)
int min_width, dummy;

// First, get the minimum width of our widget
&min_width, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy);

// Now use the minimum width to retrieve the minimum and natural height to display
// that width.
GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->measure (widget, GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, min_width,
minimum_size, natural_size, &dummy, &dummy);
// ... some widgets do both.

Often a widget needs to get its own request during size request or allocation. For example, when computing height it may need to also compute width. Or when deciding how to use an allocation, the widget may need to know its natural size. In these cases, the widget should be careful to call its virtual methods directly, like in the code example above.

It will not work to use the wrapper function method@Gtk.Widget.measure inside your own vfunc@Gtk.Widget.size_allocate implementation. These return a request adjusted by class@Gtk.SizeGroup, the widget's align and expand flags, as well as its CSS style.

If a widget used the wrappers inside its virtual method implementations, then the adjustments (such as widget margins) would be applied twice. GTK therefore does not allow this and will warn if you try to do it.

Of course if you are getting the size request for another widget, such as a child widget, you must use id@gtk_widget_measure; otherwise, you would not properly consider widget margins, class@Gtk.SizeGroup, and so forth.

GTK also supports baseline vertical alignment of widgets. This means that widgets are positioned such that the typographical baseline of widgets in the same row are aligned. This happens if a widget supports baselines, has a vertical alignment of %GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE, and is inside a widget that supports baselines and has a natural “row” that it aligns to the baseline, or a baseline assigned to it by the grandparent.

Baseline alignment support for a widget is also done by the vfunc@Gtk.Widget.measure virtual function. It allows you to report both a minimum and natural size.

If a widget ends up baseline aligned it will be allocated all the space in the parent as if it was %GTK_ALIGN_FILL, but the selected baseline can be found via id@gtk_widget_get_allocated_baseline. If the baseline has a value other than -1 you need to align the widget such that the baseline appears at the position.

GtkWidget as GtkBuildable

The GtkWidget implementation of the GtkBuildable interface supports various custom elements to specify additional aspects of widgets that are not directly expressed as properties.

If the widget uses a class@Gtk.LayoutManager, GtkWidget supports a custom <layout> element, used to define layout properties:

<object class="GtkGrid" id="my_grid">
<object class="GtkLabel" id="label1">
<property name="label">Description</property>
<property name="column">0</property>
<property name="row">0</property>
<property name="row-span">1</property>
<property name="column-span">1</property>
<object class="GtkEntry" id="description_entry">
<property name="column">1</property>
<property name="row">0</property>
<property name="row-span">1</property>
<property name="column-span">1</property>

GtkWidget allows style information such as style classes to be associated with widgets, using the custom <style> element:

<object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
<class name="my-special-button-class"/>
<class name="dark-button"/>

GtkWidget allows defining accessibility information, such as properties, relations, and states, using the custom <accessibility> element:

<object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
<property name="label">Download</property>
<relation name="labelled-by">label1</relation>

Building composite widgets from template XML

GtkWidget exposes some facilities to automate the procedure of creating composite widgets using "templates".

To create composite widgets with GtkBuilder XML, one must associate the interface description with the widget class at class initialization time using method@Gtk.WidgetClass.set_template.

The interface description semantics expected in composite template descriptions is slightly different from regular class@Gtk.Builder XML.

Unlike regular interface descriptions, method@Gtk.WidgetClass.set_template will expect a <template> tag as a direct child of the toplevel <interface> tag. The <template> tag must specify the “class” attribute which must be the type name of the widget. Optionally, the “parent” attribute may be specified to specify the direct parent type of the widget type, this is ignored by GtkBuilder but required for UI design tools like Glade to introspect what kind of properties and internal children exist for a given type when the actual type does not exist.

The XML which is contained inside the <template> tag behaves as if it were added to the <object> tag defining the widget itself. You may set properties on a widget by inserting <property> tags into the <template> tag, and also add <child> tags to add children and extend a widget in the normal way you would with <object> tags.

Additionally, <object> tags can also be added before and after the initial <template> tag in the normal way, allowing one to define auxiliary objects which might be referenced by other widgets declared as children of the <template> tag.

An example of a template definition:

<template class="FooWidget" parent="GtkBox">
<property name="orientation">horizontal</property>
<property name="spacing">4</property>
<object class="GtkButton" id="hello_button">
<property name="label">Hello World</property>
<signal name="clicked" handler="hello_button_clicked" object="FooWidget" swapped="yes"/>
<object class="GtkButton" id="goodbye_button">
<property name="label">Goodbye World</property>

Typically, you'll place the template fragment into a file that is bundled with your project, using GResource. In order to load the template, you need to call method@Gtk.WidgetClass.set_template_from_resource from the class initialization of your GtkWidget type:

static void
foo_widget_class_init (FooWidgetClass *klass)
// ...

gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),

You will also need to call method@Gtk.Widget.init_template from the instance initialization function:

static void
foo_widget_init (FooWidget *self)
// ...
gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self));

You can access widgets defined in the template using the id@gtk_widget_get_template_child function, but you will typically declare a pointer in the instance private data structure of your type using the same name as the widget in the template definition, and call method@Gtk.WidgetClass.bind_template_child_full (or one of its wrapper macros func@Gtk.widget_class_bind_template_child and func@Gtk.widget_class_bind_template_child_private) with that name, e.g.

typedef struct {
GtkWidget *hello_button;
GtkWidget *goodbye_button;
} FooWidgetPrivate;


static void
foo_widget_class_init (FooWidgetClass *klass)
// ...
gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
FooWidget, hello_button);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
FooWidget, goodbye_button);

static void
foo_widget_init (FooWidget *widget)


You can also use method@Gtk.WidgetClass.bind_template_callback_full (or is wrapper macro func@Gtk.widget_class_bind_template_callback) to connect a signal callback defined in the template with a function visible in the scope of the class, e.g.

// the signal handler has the instance and user data swapped
// because of the swapped="yes" attribute in the template XML
static void
hello_button_clicked (FooWidget *self,
GtkButton *button)
g_print ("Hello, world!\n");

static void
foo_widget_class_init (FooWidgetClass *klass)
// ...
gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass), hello_button_clicked);

Skipped during bindings generation

  • method create_pango_context: C function gtk_widget_create_pango_context is ignored

  • parameter allocation: allocation: Out parameter is not supported

  • method get_font_options: Return type cairo.FontOptions is unsupported

  • method get_pango_context: C function gtk_widget_get_pango_context is ignored

  • parameter width: width: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter minimum: minimum: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter options: cairo.FontOptions

  • parameter allocation: Allocation

  • method snapshot_child: C function gtk_widget_snapshot_child is ignored

  • parameter dest_x: dest_x: Out parameter is not supported

  • method has-default: Property has no getter nor setter

  • method has-focus: Property has no getter nor setter

  • method height-request: Property has no getter nor setter

  • method width-request: Property has no getter nor setter



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constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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The accessible role of the given GtkAccessible implementation.

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open var canFocus: Boolean

Whether the widget or any of its descendents can accept the input focus.

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open var canTarget: Boolean

Whether the widget can receive pointer events.

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A list of css classes applied to this widget.

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open val cssName: String

The name of this widget in the CSS tree.

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open var cursor: <Error class: unknown class>?

The cursor used by @widget.

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open var focusable: Boolean

Whether this widget itself will accept the input focus.

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Whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.

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open override val gtkAccessiblePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open override val gtkBuildablePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open override val gtkConstraintTargetPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val gtkWidgetPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var halign: Align

How to distribute horizontal space if widget gets extra space.

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Enables or disables the emission of the ::query-tooltip signal on @widget.

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open var hexpand: Boolean

Whether to expand horizontally.

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Whether to use the hexpand property.

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The GtkLayoutManager instance to use to compute the preferred size of the widget, and allocate its children.

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open var marginBottom: Int

Margin on bottom side of widget.

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open var marginEnd: Int

Margin on end of widget, horizontally.

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open var marginStart: Int

Margin on start of widget, horizontally.

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open var marginTop: Int

Margin on top side of widget.

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open var name: String

The name of the widget.

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open var opacity: Double

The requested opacity of the widget.

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open var overflow: Overflow

How content outside the widget's content area is treated.

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open val parent: Widget?

The parent widget of this widget.

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Whether the widget will receive the default action when it is focused.

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open val root: Root?

The GtkRoot widget of the widget tree containing this widget.

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open val scaleFactor: Int

The scale factor of the widget.

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open var sensitive: Boolean

Whether the widget responds to input.

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Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string, which is marked up with Pango markup.

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open var tooltipText: String?

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string.

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open var valign: Align

How to distribute vertical space if widget gets extra space.

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open var vexpand: Boolean

Whether to expand vertically.

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Whether to use the vexpand property.

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open var visible: Boolean

Whether the widget is visible.


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open fun actionSetEnabled(actionName: String, enabled: Boolean)

Enable or disable an action installed with gtk_widget_class_install_action().

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open fun activate(): Boolean

For widgets that can be “activated” (buttons, menu items, etc.), this function activates them.

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open fun activateAction(name: String, args: <Error class: unknown class>? = null): Boolean

Looks up the action in the action groups associated with

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open fun activateDefault()

Activates the default.activate action from @widget.

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open fun addController(controller: EventController)

Adds @controller to @widget so that it will receive events.

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open fun addCssClass(cssClass: String)

Adds a style class to @widget.

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open fun addMnemonicLabel(label: Widget)

Adds a widget to the list of mnemonic labels for this widget.

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open fun addTickCallback(callback: TickCallback): <Error class: unknown class>

Queues an animation frame update and adds a callback to be called before each frame.

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open fun allocate(width: Int, height: Int, baseline: Int, transform: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

This function is only used by GtkWidget subclasses, to assign a size, position and (optionally) baseline to their child widgets.

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open fun childFocus(direction: DirectionType): Boolean

Called by widgets as the user moves around the window using keyboard shortcuts.

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open fun computeBounds(target: Widget, outBounds: <Error class: unknown class>): Boolean

Computes the bounds for @widget in the coordinate space of @target.

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open fun computeExpand(orientation: Orientation): Boolean

Computes whether a container should give this widget extra space when possible.

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open fun computePoint(target: Widget, point: <Error class: unknown class>, outPoint: <Error class: unknown class>): Boolean

Translates the given @point in @widget's coordinates to coordinates relative to @target’s coordinate system.

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open fun computeTransform(target: Widget, outTransform: <Error class: unknown class>): Boolean

Computes a matrix suitable to describe a transformation from

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fun connectDestroy(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Signals that all holders of a reference to the widget should release the reference that they hold.

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fun connectDirectionChanged(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (previousDirection: TextDirection) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.

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fun connectHide(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @widget is hidden.

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fun connectKeynavFailed(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (direction: DirectionType) -> Boolean): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted if keyboard navigation fails.

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fun connectMap(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @widget is going to be mapped.

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fun connectMnemonicActivate(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (groupCycling: Boolean) -> Boolean): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when a widget is activated via a mnemonic.

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fun connectMoveFocus(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (direction: DirectionType) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the focus is moved.

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fun connectQueryTooltip(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (x: Int, y: Int, keyboardMode: Boolean, tooltip: Tooltip) -> Boolean): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the widgets tooltip is about to be shown.

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fun connectRealize(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @widget is associated with a GdkSurface.

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fun connectShow(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @widget is shown.

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fun connectStateFlagsChanged(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (flags: StateFlags) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the widget state changes.

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fun connectUnmap(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @widget is going to be unmapped.

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fun connectUnrealize(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the GdkSurface associated with @widget is destroyed.

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open fun contains(x: Double, y: Double): Boolean

Tests if the point at (@x, @y) is contained in @widget.

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open fun createPangoLayout(text: String? = null): <Error class: unknown class>

Creates a new PangoLayout with the appropriate font map, font description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget.

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open fun dragCheckThreshold(startX: Int, startY: Int, currentX: Int, currentY: Int): Boolean

Checks to see if a drag movement has passed the GTK drag threshold.

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open fun errorBell()

Notifies the user about an input-related error on this widget.

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Retrieves the GtkAccessibleRole for the given GtkAccessible.

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Returns the baseline that has currently been allocated to @widget.

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Returns the height that has currently been allocated to @widget.

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Returns the width that has currently been allocated to @widget.

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open fun getAncestor(widgetType: <Error class: unknown class>): Widget?

Gets the first ancestor of @widget with type @widget_type.

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open fun getBuildableId(): String?

Gets the ID of the @buildable object.

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open fun getCanFocus(): Boolean

Determines whether the input focus can enter @widget or any of its children.

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open fun getCanTarget(): Boolean

Queries whether @widget can be the target of pointer events.

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Gets the value set with gtk_widget_set_child_visible().

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open fun getClipboard(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the clipboard object for @widget.

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Returns the list of style classes applied to @widget.

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open fun getCssName(): String

Returns the CSS name that is used for @self.

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open fun getCursor(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Queries the cursor set on @widget.

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Gets the reading direction for a particular widget.

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open fun getDisplay(): <Error class: unknown class>

Get the GdkDisplay for the toplevel window associated with this widget.

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open fun getFirstChild(): Widget?

Returns the widgets first child.

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open fun getFocusable(): Boolean

Determines whether @widget can own the input focus.

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open fun getFocusChild(): Widget?

Returns the current focus child of @widget.

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Returns whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.

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open fun getFontMap(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Gets the font map of @widget.

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open fun getFrameClock(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Obtains the frame clock for a widget.

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open fun getHalign(): Align

Gets the horizontal alignment of @widget.

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Returns the current value of the has-tooltip property.

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open fun getHeight(): Int

Returns the content height of the widget.

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open fun getHexpand(): Boolean

Gets whether the widget would like any available extra horizontal space.

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Gets whether gtk_widget_set_hexpand() has been used to explicitly set the expand flag on this widget.

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open fun getLastChild(): Widget?

Returns the widgets last child.

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Retrieves the layout manager used by @widget.

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open fun getMapped(): Boolean

Whether the widget is mapped.

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open fun getMarginBottom(): Int

Gets the bottom margin of @widget.

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open fun getMarginEnd(): Int

Gets the end margin of @widget.

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open fun getMarginStart(): Int

Gets the start margin of @widget.

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open fun getMarginTop(): Int

Gets the top margin of @widget.

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open fun getName(): String

Retrieves the name of a widget.

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open fun getNative(): Native?

Returns the nearest GtkNative ancestor of @widget.

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open fun getNextSibling(): Widget?

Returns the widgets next sibling.

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open fun getOpacity(): Double

#Fetches the requested opacity for this widget.

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open fun getOverflow(): Overflow

Returns the widgets overflow value.

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open fun getParent(): Widget?

Returns the parent widget of @widget.

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open fun getPreferredSize(minimumSize: Requisition?, naturalSize: Requisition?)

Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a widget, taking into account the widget’s preference for height-for-width management.

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open fun getPrevSibling(): Widget?

Returns the widgets previous sibling.

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open fun getPrimaryClipboard(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the primary clipboard of @widget.

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open fun getRealized(): Boolean

Determines whether @widget is realized.

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Determines whether @widget is always treated as the default widget within its toplevel when it has the focus, even if another widget is the default.

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Gets whether the widget prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout.

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open fun getRoot(): Root?

Returns the GtkRoot widget of @widget.

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open fun getScaleFactor(): Int

Retrieves the internal scale factor that maps from window coordinates to the actual device pixels.

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open fun getSensitive(): Boolean

Returns the widget’s sensitivity.

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open fun getSettings(): Settings

Gets the settings object holding the settings used for this widget.

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open fun getSize(orientation: Orientation): Int

Returns the content width or height of the widget.

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Returns the widget state as a flag set.

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Returns the style context associated to @widget.

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open fun getTemplateChild(widgetType: <Error class: unknown class>, name: String): <Error class: unknown class>

Fetch an object build from the template XML for @widget_type in this @widget instance.

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Gets the contents of the tooltip for @widget.

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open fun getTooltipText(): String?

Gets the contents of the tooltip for @widget.

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open fun getValign(): Align

Gets the vertical alignment of @widget.

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open fun getVexpand(): Boolean

Gets whether the widget would like any available extra vertical space.

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Gets whether gtk_widget_set_vexpand() has been used to explicitly set the expand flag on this widget.

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open fun getVisible(): Boolean

Determines whether the widget is visible.

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open fun getWidth(): Int

Returns the content width of the widget.

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open fun grabFocus(): Boolean

Causes @widget to have the keyboard focus for the GtkWindow it's inside.

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open fun hasCssClass(cssClass: String): Boolean

Returns whether @css_class is currently applied to @widget.

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open fun hasDefault(): Boolean

Determines whether @widget is the current default widget within its toplevel.

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open fun hasFocus(): Boolean

Determines if the widget has the global input focus.

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Determines if the widget should show a visible indication that it has the global input focus.

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open fun hide()

Reverses the effects of gtk_widget_show().

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Returns whether the widget is currently being destroyed.

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open fun initTemplate()

Creates and initializes child widgets defined in templates.

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open fun insertActionGroup(name: String, group: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Inserts @group into @widget.

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open fun insertAfter(parent: Widget, previousSibling: Widget? = null)

Inserts @widget into the child widget list of @parent.

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open fun insertBefore(parent: Widget, nextSibling: Widget? = null)

Inserts @widget into the child widget list of @parent.

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open fun isAncestor(ancestor: Widget): Boolean

Determines whether @widget is somewhere inside @ancestor, possibly with intermediate containers.

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open fun isDrawable(): Boolean

Determines whether @widget can be drawn to.

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open fun isFocus(): Boolean

Determines if the widget is the focus widget within its toplevel.

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open fun isSensitive(): Boolean

Returns the widget’s effective sensitivity.

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open fun isVisible(): Boolean

Determines whether the widget and all its parents are marked as visible.

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open fun keynavFailed(direction: DirectionType): Boolean

Emits the ::keynav-failed signal on the widget.

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open fun listMnemonicLabels(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns the widgets for which this widget is the target of a mnemonic.

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open fun map()

Causes a widget to be mapped if it isn’t already.

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open fun mnemonicActivate(groupCycling: Boolean): Boolean

Emits the ::mnemonic-activate signal.

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open fun observeChildren(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns a GListModel to track the children of @widget.

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open fun observeControllers(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns a GListModel to track the class@Gtk.EventControllers of @widget.

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open fun pick(x: Double, y: Double, flags: PickFlags): Widget?

Finds the descendant of @widget closest to the point (@x, @y).

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open fun queueAllocate()

Flags the widget for a rerun of the vfunc@Gtk.Widget.size_allocate function.

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open fun queueDraw()

Schedules this widget to be redrawn in the paint phase of the current or the next frame.

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open fun queueResize()

Flags a widget to have its size renegotiated.

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open fun realize()

Creates the GDK resources associated with a widget.

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open fun removeController(controller: EventController)

Removes @controller from @widget, so that it doesn't process events anymore.

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open fun removeCssClass(cssClass: String)

Removes a style from @widget.

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open fun removeMnemonicLabel(label: Widget)

Removes a widget from the list of mnemonic labels for this widget.

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open fun removeTickCallback(id: <Error class: unknown class>)

Removes a tick callback previously registered with gtk_widget_add_tick_callback().

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open fun resetProperty(property: AccessibleProperty)

Resets the accessible @property to its default value.

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open fun resetRelation(relation: AccessibleRelation)

Resets the accessible @relation to its default value.

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open fun resetState(state: AccessibleState)

Resets the accessible @state to its default value.

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open fun setCanFocus(canFocus: Boolean)

Specifies whether the input focus can enter the widget or any of its children.

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open fun setCanTarget(canTarget: Boolean)

Sets whether @widget can be the target of pointer events.

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open fun setChildVisible(childVisible: Boolean)

Sets whether @widget should be mapped along with its parent.

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open fun setCssClasses(classes: List<String>)

Clear all style classes applied to @widget and replace them with @classes.

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open fun setCursor(cursor: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Sets the cursor to be shown when pointer devices point towards @widget.

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open fun setCursorFromName(name: String? = null)

Sets a named cursor to be shown when pointer devices point towards @widget.

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Sets the reading direction on a particular widget.

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open fun setFocusable(focusable: Boolean)

Specifies whether @widget can own the input focus.

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open fun setFocusChild(child: Widget? = null)

Set @child as the current focus child of @widget.

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open fun setFocusOnClick(focusOnClick: Boolean)

Sets whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.

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open fun setFontMap(fontMap: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Sets the font map to use for Pango rendering.

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open fun setHalign(align: Align)

Sets the horizontal alignment of @widget.

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open fun setHasTooltip(hasTooltip: Boolean)

Sets the has-tooltip property on @widget to @has_tooltip.

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open fun setHexpand(expand: Boolean)

Sets whether the widget would like any available extra horizontal space.

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open fun setHexpandSet(set: Boolean)

Sets whether the hexpand flag will be used.

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open fun setLayoutManager(layoutManager: LayoutManager? = null)

Sets the layout manager delegate instance that provides an implementation for measuring and allocating the children of @widget.

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open fun setMarginBottom(margin: Int)

Sets the bottom margin of @widget.

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open fun setMarginEnd(margin: Int)

Sets the end margin of @widget.

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Set all margins to the same value.

fun Widget.setMargins(horizontal: Int = 0, vertical: Int = 0)

Set start and end margin to horizontal and top and bottom margin to vertical

fun Widget.setMargins(start: Int = 0, top: Int = 0, end: Int = 0, bottom: Int = 0)

Set margins.

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open fun setMarginStart(margin: Int)

Sets the start margin of @widget.

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open fun setMarginTop(margin: Int)

Sets the top margin of @widget.

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open fun setName(name: String)

Sets a widgets name.

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open fun setOpacity(opacity: Double)

Request the @widget to be rendered partially transparent.

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open fun setOverflow(overflow: Overflow)

Sets how @widget treats content that is drawn outside the widget's content area.

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open fun setParent(parent: Widget)

Sets @parent as the parent widget of @widget.

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open fun setReceivesDefault(receivesDefault: Boolean)

Specifies whether @widget will be treated as the default widget within its toplevel when it has the focus, even if another widget is the default.

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open fun setSensitive(sensitive: Boolean)

Sets the sensitivity of a widget.

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open fun setSizeRequest(width: Int, height: Int)

Sets the minimum size of a widget.

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open fun setStateFlags(flags: StateFlags, clear: Boolean)

Turns on flag values in the current widget state.

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open fun setTooltipMarkup(markup: String? = null)

Sets @markup as the contents of the tooltip, which is marked up with Pango markup.

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open fun setTooltipText(text: String? = null)

Sets @text as the contents of the tooltip.

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open fun setValign(align: Align)

Sets the vertical alignment of @widget.

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open fun setVexpand(expand: Boolean)

Sets whether the widget would like any available extra vertical space.

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open fun setVexpandSet(set: Boolean)

Sets whether the vexpand flag will be used.

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open fun setVisible(visible: Boolean)

Sets the visibility state of @widget.

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open fun shouldLayout(): Boolean

Returns whether @widget should contribute to the measuring and allocation of its parent.

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open fun show()

Flags a widget to be displayed.

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Triggers a tooltip query on the display where the toplevel of @widget is located.

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open fun unmap()

Causes a widget to be unmapped if it’s currently mapped.

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open fun unparent()

Dissociate @widget from its parent.

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open fun unrealize()

Causes a widget to be unrealized (frees all GDK resources associated with the widget).

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open fun unsetStateFlags(flags: StateFlags)

Turns off flag values for the current widget state.