
class Box(val grapheneBoxPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>, cleaner: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

A 3D box, described as the volume between a minimum and a maximum vertices.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • parameter vertices: vertices: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter points: Array parameter of type Point3D is not supported

  • parameter vectors: Array parameter of type Vec3 is not supported




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Allocate a new Box.

constructor(scope: <Error class: unknown class>)

Allocate a new Box using the provided AutofreeScope.

constructor(grapheneBoxPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>, cleaner: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)


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object Companion


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val grapheneBoxPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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Checks whether the #graphene_box_t @a contains the given #graphene_box_t @b.

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Checks whether @box contains the given @point.

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fun equal(b: Box): Boolean

Checks whether the two given boxes are equal.

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fun expand(point: Point3d, res: Box)

Expands the dimensions of @box to include the coordinates at @point.

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fun expandScalar(scalar: <Error class: unknown class>, res: Box)

Expands the dimensions of @box by the given @scalar value.

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fun expandVec3(vec: Vec3, res: Box)

Expands the dimensions of @box to include the coordinates of the given vector.

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fun free()

Frees the resources allocated by graphene_box_alloc().

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Computes the bounding #graphene_sphere_t capable of containing the given #graphene_box_t.

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fun getCenter(center: Point3d)

Retrieves the coordinates of the center of a #graphene_box_t.

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fun getDepth(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the size of the @box on the Z axis.

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fun getHeight(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the size of the @box on the Y axis.

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fun getMax(max: Point3d)

Retrieves the coordinates of the maximum point of the given #graphene_box_t.

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fun getMin(min: Point3d)

Retrieves the coordinates of the minimum point of the given #graphene_box_t.

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fun getSize(size: Vec3)

Retrieves the size of the box on all three axes, and stores it into the given @size vector.

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fun getWidth(): <Error class: unknown class>

Retrieves the size of the @box on the X axis.

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fun init(min: Point3d? = null, max: Point3d? = null): Box

Initializes the given #graphene_box_t with two vertices.

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fun initFromBox(src: Box): Box

Initializes the given #graphene_box_t with the vertices of another #graphene_box_t.

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fun initFromVec3(min: Vec3? = null, max: Vec3? = null): Box

Initializes the given #graphene_box_t with two vertices stored inside #graphene_vec3_t.

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fun intersection(b: Box, res: Box?): Boolean

Intersects the two given #graphene_box_t.

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fun union(b: Box, res: Box)

Unions the two given #graphene_box_t.