
class Node(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Record

The #GNode struct represents one node in a glib-N-ary-Trees.

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  • parameter data: gpointer

  • field data: gpointer


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constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion : RecordCompanion<Node, <Error class: unknown class>>


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points to the first child of the #GNode. The other children are accessed by using the @next pointer of each child.

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val glibNodePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val next: Node?

points to the node's next sibling (a sibling is another #GNode with the same parent).

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val parent: Node?

points to the parent of the #GNode, or is null if the #GNode is the root of the tree.

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val prev: Node?

points to the node's previous sibling.


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fun childPosition(child: Node): Int

Gets the position of a #GNode with respect to its siblings.

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fun depth(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the depth of a #GNode.

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fun destroy()

Removes @root and its children from the tree, freeing any memory allocated.

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fun isAncestor(descendant: Node): Boolean

Returns true if @node is an ancestor of @descendant. This is true if node is the parent of @descendant, or if node is the grandparent of @descendant etc.

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fun maxHeight(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the maximum height of all branches beneath a #GNode. This is the maximum distance from the #GNode to all leaf nodes.

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fun nChildren(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the number of children of a #GNode.

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fun nNodes(flags: TraverseFlags): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the number of nodes in a tree.

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Reverses the order of the children of a #GNode. (It doesn't change the order of the grandchildren.)

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fun unlink()

Unlinks a #GNode from a tree, resulting in two separate trees.