
open class ColumnViewColumn(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

GtkColumnViewColumn represents the columns being added to GtkColumnView.

The main ingredient for a GtkColumnViewColumn is the GtkListItemFactory that tells the columnview how to create cells for this column from items in the model.

Columns have a title, and can optionally have a header menu set with method@Gtk.ColumnViewColumn.set_header_menu.

A sorter can be associated with a column using method@Gtk.ColumnViewColumn.set_sorter, to let users influence sorting by clicking on the column header.


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constructor(title: String? = null, factory: ListItemFactory? = null)

Creates a new GtkColumnViewColumn that uses the given @factory for mapping items to widgets.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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The GtkColumnView this column is a part of.

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open var expand: Boolean

Column gets share of extra width allocated to the view.

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Factory for populating list items.

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open var fixedWidth: Int

If not -1, this is the width that the column is allocated, regardless of the size of its content.

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val gtkColumnViewColumnPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var headerMenu: <Error class: unknown class>?

Menu model used to create the context menu for the column header.

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open var resizable: Boolean

Whether this column is resizable.

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open var sorter: Sorter?

Sorter for sorting items according to this column.

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open var title: String?

Title displayed in the header.

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open var visible: Boolean

Whether this column is visible.


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Gets the column view that's currently displaying this column.

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open fun getExpand(): Boolean

Returns whether this column should expand.

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Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items for this column.

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open fun getFixedWidth(): Int

Gets the fixed width of the column.

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open fun getHeaderMenu(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Gets the menu model that is used to create the context menu for the column header.

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open fun getResizable(): Boolean

Returns whether this column is resizable.

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open fun getSorter(): Sorter?

Returns the sorter that is associated with the column.

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open fun getTitle(): String?

Returns the title set with gtk_column_view_column_set_title().

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open fun getVisible(): Boolean

Returns whether this column is visible.

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open fun setExpand(expand: Boolean)

Sets the column to take available extra space.

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open fun setFactory(factory: ListItemFactory? = null)

Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating list items for this column.

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open fun setFixedWidth(fixedWidth: Int)

If @fixed_width is not -1, sets the fixed width of @column; otherwise unsets it.

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open fun setHeaderMenu(menu: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Sets the menu model that is used to create the context menu for the column header.

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open fun setResizable(resizable: Boolean)

Sets whether this column should be resizable by dragging.

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open fun setSorter(sorter: Sorter? = null)

Associates a sorter with the column.

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open fun setTitle(title: String? = null)

Sets the title of this column.

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open fun setVisible(visible: Boolean)

Sets whether this column should be visible in views.