is an implementation of the iface@Gio.ActionGroup interface.
can be used as a proxy for an action group that is exported over D-Bus with method@Gio.DBusConnection.export_action_group.
Emits the signal@Gio.ActionGroup::action-added signal on @action_group.
Emits the signal@Gio.ActionGroup::action-enabled-changed signal on @action_group.
Emits the signal@Gio.ActionGroup::action-removed signal on @action_group.
Emits the signal@Gio.ActionGroup::action-state-changed signal on @action_group.
Activate the named action within @action_group.
Activates the remote action.
Request for the state of the named action within @action_group to be changed to @value.
Changes the state of a remote action.
Signals that a new action was just added to the group.
Signals that the enabled status of the named action has changed.
Signals that an action is just about to be removed from the group.
Signals that the state of the named action has changed.
Checks if the named action within @action_group is currently enabled.
Queries the type of the parameter that must be given when activating the named action within @action_group.
Queries the current state of the named action within @action_group.
Requests a hint about the valid range of values for the state of the named action within @action_group.
Queries the type of the state of the named action within
Lists the actions contained within @action_group.