Quick insertion code snippets.
The GtkSourceSnippet
represents a series of chunks that can quickly be inserted into the class@View.
Snippets are defined in XML files which are loaded by the class@SnippetManager. Alternatively, applications can create snippets on demand and insert them into the class@View using method@View.push_snippet.
Snippet chunks can reference other snippet chunks as well as post-process the values from other chunks such as capitalization.
Skipped during bindings generation
: Property has no getter nor settermethod
: Property TypeInfo of getter and setter do not match
Appends @chunk to the @snippet.
Gets the context used for expanding the snippet.
Gets the description for the snippet.
Gets the current focus for the snippet.
Gets the language-id used for the source snippet.
Gets the number of chunks in the snippet.
Gets the chunk at @nth.
Gets the trigger for the source snippet.
Sets the description for the snippet.
Sets the language identifier for the snippet.
Sets the trigger for the snippet.