
open class Window(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

A freeform window.


The AdwWindow widget is a subclass of class@Gtk.Window which has no titlebar area. Instead, class@ToolbarView can be used together with class@HeaderBar or class@Gtk.HeaderBar as follows:

<object class="AdwWindow">
<property name="content">
<object class="AdwToolbarView">
<child type="top">
<object class="AdwHeaderBar"/>
<property name="content">
<!-- ... -->

Using property@Gtk.Window:titlebar or property@Gtk.Window:child is not supported and will result in a crash. Use property@Window:content instead.


AdwWindow can contain class@Dialog. Use method@Dialog.present with the window or a widget within a window to show a dialog.


AdwWindow can be used with class@Breakpoint the same way as class@BreakpointBin. Refer to that widget's documentation for details.


<object class="AdwWindow">
<property name="content">
<object class="AdwToolbarView">
<child type="top">
<object class="AdwHeaderBar"/>
<property name="content">
<!-- ... -->
<child type="bottom">
<object class="GtkActionBar" id="bottom_bar">
<property name="revealed">True</property>
<property name="visible">False</property>
<object class="AdwBreakpoint">
<condition>max-width: 500px</condition>
<setter object="bottom_bar" property="visible">True</setter>

When breakpoints are used, the minimum size must be larger than the smallest UI state. AdwWindow defaults to the minimum size of 360×200 px. If that's too small, set the property@Gtk.Widget:width-request and property@Gtk.Widget:height-request properties manually.



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Creates a new AdwWindow.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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val adwWindowPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var content: <Error class: unknown class>?

The content widget.

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The current breakpoint.

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open val dialogs: <Error class: unknown class>

The open dialogs.

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open val gtkAccessiblePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open val gtkBuildablePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open val gtkConstraintTargetPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open val gtkNativePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open val gtkRootPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open val gtkShortcutManagerPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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The currently visible dialog


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open fun addBreakpoint(breakpoint: Breakpoint)

Adds @breakpoint to @self.

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open fun getContent(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Gets the content widget of @self.

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Gets the current breakpoint.

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open fun getDialogs(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns a iface@Gio.ListModel that contains the open dialogs of @self.

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Returns the currently visible dialog in @self, if there's one.

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open fun setContent(content: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Sets the content widget of @self.