
interface Accessible

GtkAccessible is an interface for describing UI elements for Assistive Technologies.

Every accessible implementation has:

  • a “role”, represented by a value of the enum@Gtk.AccessibleRole enumeration

  • an “attribute”, represented by a set of enum@Gtk.AccessibleState, enum@Gtk.AccessibleProperty and enum@Gtk.AccessibleRelation values

The role cannot be changed after instantiating a GtkAccessible implementation.

The attributes are updated every time a UI element's state changes in a way that should be reflected by assistive technologies. For instance, if a GtkWidget visibility changes, the %GTK_ACCESSIBLE_STATE_HIDDEN state will also change to reflect the property@Gtk.Widget:visible property.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • parameter properties: Array parameter of type AccessibleProperty is not supported

  • parameter relations: Array parameter of type AccessibleRelation is not supported

  • parameter states: Array parameter of type AccessibleState is not supported



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object Companion


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The accessible role of the given GtkAccessible implementation.

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abstract val gtkAccessiblePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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Retrieves the GtkAccessibleRole for the given GtkAccessible.

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open fun resetProperty(property: AccessibleProperty)

Resets the accessible @property to its default value.

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open fun resetRelation(relation: AccessibleRelation)

Resets the accessible @relation to its default value.

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open fun resetState(state: AccessibleState)

Resets the accessible @state to its default value.