Widget that displays a map for a specific class@View.
is a widget that maps the content of a class@View into a smaller view so the user can have a quick overview of the whole document.
This works by connecting a class@View to to the GtkSourceMap
using the property@Map:view property or method@Map.set_view.
is a class@View object. This means that you can add a class@GutterRenderer to a gutter in the same way you would for a class@View. One example might be a class@GutterRenderer that shows which lines have changed in the document.
Additionally, it is desirable to match the font of the GtkSourceMap
and the class@View used for editing. Therefore, property@Map:font-desc should be used to set the target font. You will need to adjust this to the desired font size for the map. A 1pt font generally seems to be an appropriate font size. "Monospace 1" is the default. See method@Pango.FontDescription.set_size for how to alter the size of an existing struct@Pango.FontDescription.
When FontConfig is available, GtkSourceMap
will try to use a bundled "block" font to make the map more legible.
Skipped during bindings generation
: Property has no getter nor settermethod
: Property TypeInfo of getter and setter do not match
Draw a specific background pattern on the view.
The completion object associated with the view
The property denotes if snippets should be expanded when the user presses Tab after having typed a word matching the snippets found in class@SnippetManager.
Width of an indentation step expressed in number of spaces.
Position of the right margin.
Whether to display line mark pixbufs
Whether to display line numbers
Whether to display the right margin.
Whether smart Backspace should be used.
Set the behavior of the HOME and END keys.
The class@SpaceDrawer object associated with the view.4
Emits the "change-case" signal. See onChangeCase.
Emits the "change-number" signal. See onChangeNumber.
Emits the "join-lines" signal. See onJoinLines.
Emits the "line-mark-activated" signal. See onLineMarkActivated.
Emits the "move-lines" signal. See onMoveLines.
Emits the "move-to-matching-bracket" signal. See onMoveToMatchingBracket.
Emits the "move-words" signal. See onMoveWords.
Emits the "show-completion" signal. See onShowCompletion.
Emits the "smart-home-end" signal. See onSmartHomeEnd.
Returns the class@Gutter object associated with @window_type for @view.
Determines the visual column at @iter taking into consideration the property@View:tab-width of @view.
Inserts one indentation level at the beginning of the specified lines. The empty lines are not indented.
Keybinding signal to change case of the text at the current cursor position.
Keybinding signal to edit a number at the current cursor position.
Keybinding signal to join the lines currently selected.
Emitted when a line mark has been activated (for instance when there was a button press in the line marks gutter).
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a line.
Keybinding signal to move the cursor to the matching bracket.
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a word.
The signal is a key binding signal which gets emitted when the user requests a completion, by pressing
Emitted when a the cursor was moved according to the smart home end setting.
Inserts a new snippet at @location
Sets attributes and priority for the @category.
Removes one indentation level at the beginning of the specified lines.