
class TlsCertificateImpl(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : TlsCertificate

The TlsCertificateImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsCertificate class.


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constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

Creates a new instance of TlsCertificate for the provided CPointer.


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val gioTlsCertificatePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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A #GTlsCertificate representing the entity that issued this certificate. If null, this means that the certificate is either self-signed, or else the certificate of the issuer is not available.

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open val issuerName: String?

The issuer from the certificate, null if unavailable.

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open val notValidAfter: <Error class: unknown class>?

The time at which this cert is no longer valid, null if unavailable.

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open val notValidBefore: <Error class: unknown class>?

The time at which this cert is considered to be valid, null if unavailable.

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open val subjectName: String?

The subject from the cert, null if unavailable.


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open fun isSame(certTwo: TlsCertificate): Boolean

Check if two #GTlsCertificate objects represent the same certificate. The raw DER byte data of the two certificates are checked for equality. This has the effect that two certificates may compare equal even if their #GTlsCertificate:issuer, #GTlsCertificate:private-key, or #GTlsCertificate:private-key-pem properties differ.

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open fun verify(identity: SocketConnectable? = null, trustedCa: TlsCertificate? = null): TlsCertificateFlags

This verifies @cert and returns a set of #GTlsCertificateFlags indicating any problems found with it. This can be used to verify a certificate outside the context of making a connection, or to check a certificate against a CA that is not part of the system CA database.