
open class DataOutputStream(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : FilterOutputStream, Seekable

Data output stream implements #GOutputStream and includes functions for writing data directly to an output stream.

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  • parameter data: guint8


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constructor(baseStream: OutputStream)

Creates a new data output stream for @base_stream.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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Determines the byte ordering that is used when writing multi-byte entities (such as integers) to the stream.

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val gioDataOutputStreamPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val gioFilterOutputStreamPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val gioOutputStreamPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open override val gioSeekablePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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open fun canSeek(): Boolean

Tests if the stream supports the #GSeekableIface.

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open fun canTruncate(): Boolean

Tests if the length of the stream can be adjusted with g_seekable_truncate().

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open fun clearPending()

Clears the pending flag on @stream.

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open fun close(cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Closes the stream, releasing resources related to it.

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open fun closeAsync(ioPriority: Int, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

Requests an asynchronous close of the stream, releasing resources related to it. When the operation is finished @callback will be called. You can then call g_output_stream_close_finish() to get the result of the operation.

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open fun closeFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Closes an output stream.

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open fun flush(cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the given

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open fun flushAsync(ioPriority: Int, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

Forces an asynchronous write of all user-space buffered data for the given @stream. For behaviour details see g_output_stream_flush().

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open fun flushFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Finishes flushing an output stream.

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Gets the base stream for the filter stream.

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Gets the byte order for the stream.

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Returns whether the base stream will be closed when @stream is closed.

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open fun hasPending(): Boolean

Checks if an output stream has pending actions.

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open fun isClosed(): Boolean

Checks if an output stream has already been closed.

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open fun isClosing(): Boolean

Checks if an output stream is being closed. This can be used inside e.g. a flush implementation to see if the flush (or other i/o operation) is called from within the closing operation.

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open fun putInt16(data: Short, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts a signed 16-bit integer into the output stream.

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open fun putInt32(data: Int, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts a signed 32-bit integer into the output stream.

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open fun putInt64(data: Long, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts a signed 64-bit integer into the stream.

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open fun putString(str: String, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts a string into the output stream.

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open fun putUint16(data: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts an unsigned 16-bit integer into the output stream.

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open fun putUint32(data: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts an unsigned 32-bit integer into the stream.

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open fun putUint64(data: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Puts an unsigned 64-bit integer into the stream.

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open fun seek(offset: Long, type: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Seeks in the stream by the given @offset, modified by @type.

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Sets the byte order of the data output stream to @order.

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open fun setCloseBaseStream(closeBase: Boolean)

Sets whether the base stream will be closed when @stream is closed.

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open fun setPending(): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Sets @stream to have actions pending. If the pending flag is already set or @stream is closed, it will return false and set

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open fun splice(source: InputStream, flags: OutputStreamSpliceFlags, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Long>

Splices an input stream into an output stream.

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open fun spliceAsync(source: InputStream, flags: OutputStreamSpliceFlags, ioPriority: Int, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

Splices a stream asynchronously. When the operation is finished @callback will be called. You can then call g_output_stream_splice_finish() to get the result of the operation.

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open fun spliceFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><Long>

Finishes an asynchronous stream splice operation.

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open fun tell(): Long

Tells the current position within the stream.

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open fun truncate(offset: Long, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Sets the length of the stream to @offset. If the stream was previously larger than @offset, the extra data is discarded. If the stream was previously shorter than @offset, it is extended with NUL ('\0') bytes.

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open fun writeBytes(bytes: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><Long>

A wrapper function for g_output_stream_write() which takes a #GBytes as input. This can be more convenient for use by language bindings or in other cases where the refcounted nature of #GBytes is helpful over a bare pointer interface.

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open fun writeBytesAsync(bytes: <Error class: unknown class>, ioPriority: Int, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

This function is similar to g_output_stream_write_async(), but takes a #GBytes as input. Due to the refcounted nature of #GBytes, this allows the stream to avoid taking a copy of the data.

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open fun writeBytesFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><Long>

Finishes a stream write-from-#GBytes operation.

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open fun writeFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><Long>

Finishes a stream write operation.