
data class ActionImpl(val gioActionPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Action

The ActionImpl type represents a native instance of the Action interface.


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constructor(gioActionPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

Creates a new instance of Action for the provided CPointer.


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open val enabled: Boolean

If @action is currently enabled.

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open override val gioActionPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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abstract val gioProxyPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open val name: String

The name of the action. This is mostly meaningful for identifying the action once it has been added to a type@Gio.ActionGroup. It is immutable.

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open val parameterType: <Error class: unknown class>?

The type of the parameter that must be given when activating the action. This is immutable, and may be NULL if no parameter is needed when activating the action.

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open val state: <Error class: unknown class>?

The state of the action, or NULL if the action is stateless.

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open val stateType: <Error class: unknown class>?

The type@GLib.VariantType of the state that the action has, or NULL if the action is stateless. This is immutable.


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open fun activate(parameter: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)

Activates the action.

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open fun changeState(value: <Error class: unknown class>)

Request for the state of @action to be changed to @value.

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open fun connect(connection: IoStream, proxyAddress: ProxyAddress, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><IoStream>

Given @connection to communicate with a proxy (eg, a #GSocketConnection that is connected to the proxy server), this does the necessary handshake to connect to @proxy_address, and if required, wraps the #GIOStream to handle proxy payload.

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open fun connectAsync(connection: IoStream, proxyAddress: ProxyAddress, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback?)

Asynchronous version of g_proxy_connect().

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open fun connectFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><IoStream>

See g_proxy_connect().

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open fun getEnabled(): Boolean

Checks if @action is currently enabled.

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open fun getName(): String

Queries the name of @action.

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open fun getParameterType(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Queries the type of the parameter that must be given when activating

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open fun getState(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Queries the current state of @action.

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open fun getStateHint(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Requests a hint about the valid range of values for the state of

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open fun getStateType(): <Error class: unknown class>?

Queries the type of the state of @action.

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Some proxy protocols expect to be passed a hostname, which they will resolve to an IP address themselves. Others, like SOCKS4, do not allow this. This function will return false if @proxy is implementing such a protocol. When false is returned, the caller should resolve the destination hostname first, and then pass a #GProxyAddress containing the stringified IP address to g_proxy_connect() or g_proxy_connect_async().