
open class TreeViewColumn(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Buildable, CellLayout

A visible column in a class@Gtk.TreeView widget

The GtkTreeViewColumn object represents a visible column in a GtkTreeView widget. It allows to set properties of the column header, and functions as a holding pen for the cell renderers which determine how the data in the column is displayed.

Please refer to the section-tree-widget.html for an overview of all the objects and data types related to the tree widget and how they work together, and to the class@Gtk.TreeView documentation for specifics about the CSS node structure for treeviews and their headers.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • parameter x_offset: x_offset: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter x_offset: x_offset: Out parameter is not supported

  • method set_attributes: Varargs parameter is not supported

  • method cell-area: Property has no getter nor setter

  • constructor new_with_attributes: Varargs parameter is not supported


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Creates a new GtkTreeViewColumn.

constructor(area: CellArea)

Creates a new GtkTreeViewColumn using @area to render its cells.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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open var alignment: <Error class: unknown class>
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open var clickable: Boolean
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open var expand: Boolean
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open var fixedWidth: <Error class: unknown class>
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open override val gtkBuildablePointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open override val gtkCellLayoutPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val gtkTreeViewColumnPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var maxWidth: <Error class: unknown class>
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open var minWidth: <Error class: unknown class>
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open var resizable: Boolean
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open var sortColumnId: <Error class: unknown class>

Logical sort column ID this column sorts on when selected for sorting. Setting the sort column ID makes the column header clickable. Set to -1 to make the column unsortable.

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open var spacing: <Error class: unknown class>
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open var title: String
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open var visible: Boolean
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open var widget: Widget?
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open val width: <Error class: unknown class>
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open val xOffset: <Error class: unknown class>


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open override fun addAttribute(cell: CellRenderer, attribute: String, column: <Error class: unknown class>)

Adds an attribute mapping to the list in @tree_column.

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Returns true if any of the cells packed into the @tree_column are visible. For this to be meaningful, you must first initialize the cells with gtk_tree_view_column_cell_set_cell_data()

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open fun cellSetCellData(treeModel: TreeModel, iter: TreeIter, isExpander: Boolean, isExpanded: Boolean)

Sets the cell renderer based on the @tree_model and @iter. That is, for every attribute mapping in @tree_column, it will get a value from the set column on the @iter, and use that value to set the attribute on the cell renderer. This is used primarily by the GtkTreeView.

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open override fun clear()

Unsets all the mappings on all renderers on the @tree_column.

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open override fun clearAttributes(cell: CellRenderer)

Clears all existing attributes previously set with gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes().

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open fun clicked()

Emits the “clicked” signal on the column. This function will only work if

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fun connectClicked(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the column's header has been clicked.

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open fun focusCell(cell: CellRenderer)

Sets the current keyboard focus to be at @cell, if the column contains 2 or more editable and activatable cells.

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open fun getArea(): CellArea?

Returns the underlying GtkCellArea which might be @cell_layout if called on a GtkCellArea or might be null if no GtkCellArea is used by @cell_layout.

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open fun getBuildableId(): String?

Gets the ID of the @buildable object.

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open fun getButton(): Widget

Returns the button used in the treeview column header

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open fun getCells(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns the cell renderers which have been added to @cell_layout.

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open fun getTreeView(): Widget?

Returns the GtkTreeView wherein @tree_column has been inserted. If @column is currently not inserted in any tree view, null is returned.

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open override fun packEnd(cell: CellRenderer, expand: Boolean)

Adds the @cell to end of the column. If @expand is false, then the @cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided evenly between cells for which @expand is true.

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open override fun packStart(cell: CellRenderer, expand: Boolean)

Packs the @cell into the beginning of the column. If @expand is false, then the @cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided evenly between cells for which @expand is true.

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open fun queueResize()

Flags the column, and the cell renderers added to this column, to have their sizes renegotiated.

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open fun reorder(cell: CellRenderer, position: <Error class: unknown class>)

Re-inserts @cell at @position.

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Sets the GtkCellLayoutDataFunc to use for @cell_layout.

open fun setCellDataFunc(cellRenderer: CellRenderer, func: TreeCellDataFunc?)

Sets the GtkTreeCellDataFunc to use for the column.