
object Pango

Skipped during bindings generation

  • class Context: C Type PangoContext is ignored

  • parameter attrs: LogAttr

  • parameter data: gpointer

  • parameter attrs: LogAttr

  • parameter paragraph_delimiter_index: paragraph_delimiter_index: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter attrs: LogAttr

  • parameter mirrored_ch: Unsupported pointer to primitive type

  • parameter context: C Type PangoContext is ignored

  • parameter context: C Type PangoContext is ignored

  • function log2vis_get_embedding_levels: Return type guint8 is unsupported

  • parameter attr_list: attr_list: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter value: value: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter attr_list: attr_list: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter stretch: stretch: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter style: style: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter variant: variant: Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter weight: weight: Out parameter is not supported

  • function quantize_line_geometry: In/Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter stream: gpointer

  • function scan_int: In/Out parameter is not supported

  • function scan_string: In/Out parameter is not supported

  • function scan_word: In/Out parameter is not supported

  • function skip_space: In/Out parameter is not supported

  • parameter attrs: LogAttr

  • callback AttrDataCopyFunc: Return type gpointer is unsupported

  • constant GLYPH_EMPTY: Glyph

  • constant GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT: Glyph

  • constant GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG: Glyph

  • record ContextClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record FontClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record FontFaceClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record FontFamilyClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record FontMapClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record FontsetClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record FontsetSimpleClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record LayoutClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record RendererClass: glib type struct are ignored

  • record RendererPrivate: Disguised records are ignored


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Whether the segment should be shifted to center around the baseline.

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Whether this run holds ellipsized text.

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Whether to add a hyphen at the end of the run during shaping.

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const val ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING: <Error class: unknown class>

Value for @start_index in PangoAttribute that indicates the beginning of the text.

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const val ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END: <Error class: unknown class>

Value for @end_index in PangoAttribute that indicates the end of the text.

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const val SCALE: Int = 1024

The scale between dimensions used for Pango distances and device units.

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const val VERSION_MAJOR: Int = 1

The major component of the version of Pango available at compile-time.

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const val VERSION_MICRO: Int = 6

The micro component of the version of Pango available at compile-time.

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const val VERSION_MINOR: Int = 50

The minor component of the version of Pango available at compile-time.

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A string literal containing the version of Pango available at compile-time.


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Create a new allow-breaks attribute.

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fun attrBackgroundAlphaNew(alpha: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new background alpha attribute.

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fun attrBackgroundNew(red: <Error class: unknown class>, green: <Error class: unknown class>, blue: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new background color attribute.

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Create a new baseline displacement attribute.

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fun attrFallbackNew(enableFallback: Boolean): Attribute

Create a new font fallback attribute.

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Create a new font family attribute.

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Create a new font description attribute.

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Create a new font features tag attribute.

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Create a new font scale attribute.

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fun attrForegroundAlphaNew(alpha: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new foreground alpha attribute.

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fun attrForegroundNew(red: <Error class: unknown class>, green: <Error class: unknown class>, blue: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new foreground color attribute.

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Create a new gravity hint attribute.

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Create a new gravity attribute.

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Create a new insert-hyphens attribute.

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Create a new language tag attribute.

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fun attrLetterSpacingNew(letterSpacing: Int): Attribute

Create a new letter-spacing attribute.

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Modify the height of logical line extents by a factor.

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Override the height of logical line extents to be @height.

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Deserializes a PangoAttrList from a string.

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fun attrOverlineColorNew(red: <Error class: unknown class>, green: <Error class: unknown class>, blue: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new overline color attribute.

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Create a new overline-style attribute.

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Create a new baseline displacement attribute.

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fun attrScaleNew(scaleFactor: Double): Attribute

Create a new font size scale attribute.

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Marks the range of the attribute as a single sentence.

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fun attrShapeNew(inkRect: Rectangle, logicalRect: Rectangle): Attribute

Create a new shape attribute.

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Create a new attribute that influences how invisible characters are rendered.

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Create a new font-size attribute in fractional points.

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Create a new font-size attribute in device units.

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Create a new font stretch attribute.

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fun attrStrikethroughColorNew(red: <Error class: unknown class>, green: <Error class: unknown class>, blue: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new strikethrough color attribute.

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Create a new strike-through attribute.

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Create a new font slant style attribute.

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Create a new attribute that influences how characters are transformed during shaping.

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Fetches the attribute type name.

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Allocate a new attribute type ID.

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fun attrUnderlineColorNew(red: <Error class: unknown class>, green: <Error class: unknown class>, blue: <Error class: unknown class>): Attribute

Create a new underline color attribute.

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Create a new underline-style attribute.

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Create a new font variant attribute (normal or small caps).

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Create a new font weight attribute.

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Marks the range of the attribute as a single word.

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fun bidiTypeForUnichar(ch: <Error class: unknown class>): BidiType

Determines the bidirectional type of a character.

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fun defaultBreak(text: String, length: Int, analysis: Analysis? = null, attrs: LogAttr, attrsLen: Int)

This is the default break algorithm.

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fun extentsToPixels(inclusive: Rectangle? = null, nearest: Rectangle? = null)

Converts extents from Pango units to device units.

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fun findBaseDir(text: String, length: Int): Direction

Searches a string the first character that has a strong direction, according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.

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Creates a new font description from a string representation.

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fun gravityGetForMatrix(matrix: Matrix? = null): Gravity

Finds the gravity that best matches the rotation component in a PangoMatrix.

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fun gravityGetForScript(script: Script, baseGravity: Gravity, hint: GravityHint): Gravity

Returns the gravity to use in laying out a PangoItem.

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fun gravityGetForScriptAndWidth(script: Script, wide: Boolean, baseGravity: Gravity, hint: GravityHint): Gravity

Returns the gravity to use in laying out a single character or PangoItem.

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Converts a PangoGravity value to its natural rotation in radians.

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fun isZeroWidth(ch: <Error class: unknown class>): Boolean

Checks if a character that should not be normally rendered.

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fun languageFromString(language: String? = null): Language?

Convert a language tag to a PangoLanguage.

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Returns the PangoLanguage for the current locale of the process.

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Returns the list of languages that the user prefers.

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fun layoutDeserializeErrorQuark(): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun markupParserNew(accelMarker: <Error class: unknown class>): <Error class: unknown class>

Incrementally parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string and an attribute list.

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fun reorderItems(items: <Error class: unknown class>): <Error class: unknown class>

Reorder items from logical order to visual order.

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fun resolveException(error: <Error class: unknown class>): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun scriptForUnichar(ch: <Error class: unknown class>): Script

Looks up the script for a particular character.

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Finds a language tag that is reasonably representative of @script.

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fun shape(text: String, length: Int, analysis: Analysis, glyphs: GlyphString)

Convert the characters in @text into glyphs.

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fun shapeFull(itemText: String, itemLength: Int, paragraphText: String? = null, paragraphLength: Int, analysis: Analysis, glyphs: GlyphString)

Convert the characters in @text into glyphs.

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fun shapeItem(item: Item, paragraphText: String? = null, paragraphLength: Int, logAttrs: LogAttr? = null, glyphs: GlyphString, flags: ShapeFlags)

Convert the characters in @item into glyphs.

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fun shapeWithFlags(itemText: String, itemLength: Int, paragraphText: String? = null, paragraphLength: Int, analysis: Analysis, glyphs: GlyphString, flags: ShapeFlags)

Convert the characters in @text into glyphs.

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Splits a %G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR-separated list of files, stripping white space and substituting ~/ with $HOME/.

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Deserializes a PangoTabArray from a string.

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Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

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fun unicharDirection(ch: <Error class: unknown class>): Direction

Determines the inherent direction of a character.

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Converts a floating-point number to Pango units.

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Converts a number in Pango units to floating-point.

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fun version(): Int

Returns the encoded version of Pango available at run-time.

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fun versionCheck(requiredMajor: Int, requiredMinor: Int, requiredMicro: Int): String?

Checks that the Pango library in use is compatible with the given version.

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Returns the version of Pango available at run-time.