
open class SocketClient(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

#GSocketClient is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type.

You create a #GSocketClient object, set any options you want, and then call a sync or async connect operation, which returns a #GSocketConnection subclass on success.

The type of the #GSocketConnection object returned depends on the type of the underlying socket that is in use. For instance, for a TCP/IP connection it will be a #GTcpConnection.

As #GSocketClient is a lightweight object, you don't need to cache it. You can just create a new one any time you need one.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • method proxy-resolver: Property TypeInfo of getter and setter do not match

  • method type: Property has no getter nor setter




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Creates a new #GSocketClient with the default options.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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val gioSocketClientPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var timeout: <Error class: unknown class>
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open var tls: Boolean
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The TLS validation flags used when creating TLS connections. The default value is %G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATE_ALL.


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open fun addApplicationProxy(protocol: String)

Enable proxy protocols to be handled by the application. When the indicated proxy protocol is returned by the #GProxyResolver, #GSocketClient will consider this protocol as supported but will not try to find a #GProxy instance to handle handshaking. The application must check for this case by calling g_socket_connection_get_remote_address() on the returned #GSocketConnection, and seeing if it's a #GProxyAddress of the appropriate type, to determine whether or not it needs to handle the proxy handshaking itself.

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open fun connect(connectable: SocketConnectable, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

Tries to resolve the @connectable and make a network connection to it.

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open fun connectAsync(connectable: SocketConnectable, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect().

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fun connectEvent(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (event: SocketClientEvent, connectable: SocketConnectable, connection: IOStream?) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @client's activity on @connectable changes state. Among other things, this can be used to provide progress information about a network connection in the UI. The meanings of the different @event values are as follows:

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open fun connectFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

Finishes an async connect operation. See g_socket_client_connect_async()

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open fun connectToHost(hostAndPort: String, defaultPort: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

This is a helper function for g_socket_client_connect().

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open fun connectToHostAsync(hostAndPort: String, defaultPort: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_host().

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open fun connectToHostFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

Finishes an async connect operation. See g_socket_client_connect_to_host_async()

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open fun connectToService(domain: String, service: String, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

Attempts to create a TCP connection to a service.

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open fun connectToServiceAsync(domain: String, service: String, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_service().

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open fun connectToServiceFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

Finishes an async connect operation. See g_socket_client_connect_to_service_async()

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open fun connectToUri(uri: String, defaultPort: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

This is a helper function for g_socket_client_connect().

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open fun connectToUriAsync(uri: String, defaultPort: <Error class: unknown class>, cancellable: Cancellable? = null, callback: AsyncReadyCallback)

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_uri().

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open fun connectToUriFinish(result: AsyncResult): <Error class: unknown class><SocketConnection>

Finishes an async connect operation. See g_socket_client_connect_to_uri_async()

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Gets the proxy enable state; see g_socket_client_set_enable_proxy()

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Gets the socket family of the socket client.

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Gets the local address of the socket client.

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Gets the protocol name type of the socket client.

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Gets the #GProxyResolver being used by @client. Normally, this will be the resolver returned by g_proxy_resolver_get_default(), but you can override it with g_socket_client_set_proxy_resolver().

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Gets the socket type of the socket client.

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open fun getTimeout(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the I/O timeout time for sockets created by @client.

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open fun getTls(): Boolean

Gets whether @client creates TLS connections. See g_socket_client_set_tls() for details.

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Gets the TLS validation flags used creating TLS connections via

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open fun setEnableProxy(enable: Boolean)

Sets whether or not @client attempts to make connections via a proxy server. When enabled (the default), #GSocketClient will use a #GProxyResolver to determine if a proxy protocol such as SOCKS is needed, and automatically do the necessary proxy negotiation.

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open fun setFamily(family: SocketFamily)

Sets the socket family of the socket client. If this is set to something other than %G_SOCKET_FAMILY_INVALID then the sockets created by this object will be of the specified family.

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open fun setLocalAddress(address: SocketAddress? = null)

Sets the local address of the socket client. The sockets created by this object will bound to the specified address (if not null) before connecting.

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open fun setProtocol(protocol: SocketProtocol)

Sets the protocol of the socket client. The sockets created by this object will use of the specified protocol.

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open fun setProxyResolver(proxyResolver: ProxyResolver? = null)

Overrides the #GProxyResolver used by @client. You can call this if you want to use specific proxies, rather than using the system default proxy settings.

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open fun setSocketType(type: SocketType)

Sets the socket type of the socket client. The sockets created by this object will be of the specified type.

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open fun setTimeout(timeout: <Error class: unknown class>)

Sets the I/O timeout for sockets created by @client. @timeout is a time in seconds, or 0 for no timeout (the default).

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open fun setTls(tls: Boolean)

Sets whether @client creates TLS (aka SSL) connections. If @tls is true, @client will wrap its connections in a #GTlsClientConnection and perform a TLS handshake when connecting.

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Sets the TLS validation flags used when creating TLS connections via @client. The default value is %G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATE_ALL.