
open class Adjustment(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

GtkAdjustment is a model for a numeric value.

The `GtkAdjustment has an associated lower and upper bound. It also contains step and page increments, and a page size.

Adjustments are used within several GTK widgets, including class@Gtk.SpinButton, class@Gtk.Viewport, class@Gtk.Scrollbar and class@Gtk.Scale.

The GtkAdjustment object does not update the value itself. Instead it is left up to the owner of the GtkAdjustment to control the value.


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constructor(value: Double, lower: Double, upper: Double, stepIncrement: Double, pageIncrement: Double, pageSize: Double)

Creates a new GtkAdjustment.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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val gtkAdjustmentPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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open var lower: Double

The minimum value of the adjustment.

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The page increment of the adjustment.

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open var pageSize: Double

The page size of the adjustment.

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The step increment of the adjustment.

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open var upper: Double

The maximum value of the adjustment.

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open var value: Double

The value of the adjustment.


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open fun clampPage(lower: Double, upper: Double)

Updates the value property to ensure that the range between @lower and @upper is in the current page.

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open fun configure(value: Double, lower: Double, upper: Double, stepIncrement: Double, pageIncrement: Double, pageSize: Double)

Sets all properties of the adjustment at once.

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fun connectChanged(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when one or more of the GtkAdjustment properties have been changed.

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fun connectValueChanged(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when the value has been changed.

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open fun getLower(): Double

Retrieves the minimum value of the adjustment.

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Gets the smaller of step increment and page increment.

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Retrieves the page increment of the adjustment.

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open fun getPageSize(): Double

Retrieves the page size of the adjustment.

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Retrieves the step increment of the adjustment.

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open fun getUpper(): Double

Retrieves the maximum value of the adjustment.

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open fun getValue(): Double

Gets the current value of the adjustment.

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open fun setLower(lower: Double)

Sets the minimum value of the adjustment.

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open fun setPageIncrement(pageIncrement: Double)

Sets the page increment of the adjustment.

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open fun setPageSize(pageSize: Double)

Sets the page size of the adjustment.

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open fun setStepIncrement(stepIncrement: Double)

Sets the step increment of the adjustment.

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open fun setUpper(upper: Double)

Sets the maximum value of the adjustment.

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open fun setValue(value: Double)

Sets the GtkAdjustment value.