
class TimedAnimation(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Animation

A time-based class@Animation.

AdwTimedAnimation implements a simple animation interpolating the given value from property@TimedAnimation:value-from to property@TimedAnimation:value-to over property@TimedAnimation:duration milliseconds using the curve described by property@TimedAnimation:easing.

If property@TimedAnimation:reverse is set to TRUE, AdwTimedAnimation will instead animate from property@TimedAnimation:value-to to property@TimedAnimation:value-from, and the easing curve will be inverted.

The animation can repeat a certain amount of times, or endlessly, depending on the property@TimedAnimation:repeat-count value. If property@TimedAnimation:alternate is set to TRUE, it will also change the direction every other iteration.


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constructor(widget: <Error class: unknown class>, from: Double, to: Double, duration: <Error class: unknown class>, target: AnimationTarget)

Creates a new AdwTimedAnimation on @widget to animate @target from @from to @to.

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion


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val adwAnimationPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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val adwTimedAnimationPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
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Whether the animation changes direction on every iteration.

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var duration: <Error class: unknown class>

Duration of the animation, in milliseconds.

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Easing function used in the animation.

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Whether to skip the animation when animations are globally disabled.

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var repeatCount: <Error class: unknown class>

Number of times the animation will play.

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Whether the animation plays backwards.

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The animation state.

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The target to animate.

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open val value: Double

The current value of the animation.

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The value to animate from.

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The value to animate to.

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open val widget: <Error class: unknown class>

The animation widget.


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fun connectDone(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

This signal is emitted when the animation has been completed, either on its own or via calling method@Animation.skip.

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Gets whether @self changes direction on every iteration.

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fun getDuration(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the duration of @self.

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Gets the easing function @self uses.

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Gets whether @self should be skipped when animations are globally disabled.

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fun getRepeatCount(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the number of times @self will play.

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Gets whether @self plays backwards.

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Gets the current value of @self.

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Gets the target @self animates.

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open fun getValue(): Double

Gets the current value of @self.

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Gets the value @self will animate from.

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Gets the value @self will animate to.

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open fun getWidget(): <Error class: unknown class>

Gets the widget @self was created for.

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open fun pause()

Pauses a playing animation for @self.

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open fun play()

Starts the animation for @self.

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open fun reset()

Resets the animation for @self.

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open fun resume()

Resumes a paused animation for @self.

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fun setAlternate(alternate: Boolean)

Sets whether @self changes direction on every iteration.

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fun setDuration(duration: <Error class: unknown class>)

Sets the duration of @self.

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fun setEasing(easing: Easing)

Sets the easing function @self will use.

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Sets whether to skip @self when animations are globally disabled.

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fun setRepeatCount(repeatCount: <Error class: unknown class>)

Sets the number of times @self will play.

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fun setReverse(reverse: Boolean)

Sets whether @self plays backwards.

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open fun setTarget(target: AnimationTarget)

Sets the target @self animates to @target.

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fun setValueFrom(value: Double)

Sets the value @self will animate from.

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fun setValueTo(value: Double)

Sets the value @self will animate to.

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open fun skip()

Skips the animation for @self.