Package-level declarations


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class TemplateChildDelegate<OBJECT_TYPE : Widget, CHILD_TYPE>(name: String, templateWidgetGType: <Error class: unknown class>, childClass: KClass<CHILD_TYPE>)
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open class TemplateWidgetType<T : Widget>(typeClass: KClass<T>, parentType: <Error class: unknown class><Widget>, templateId: String)

Companion object base class used for deriving Widget subclasses that make use of widget templates.


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Helper function for converting responses received by MessageDialog response signals into a ResponseType enum value.

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fun <Error class: unknown class><MessageDialog>.new(parent: Window? = null, flags: DialogFlags = DialogFlags(0u), type: MessageType, buttons: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.NONE, messageFormat: String? = null): MessageDialog
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Set all margins to the same value.

fun Widget.setMargins(horizontal: Int = 0, vertical: Int = 0)

Set start and end margin to horizontal and top and bottom margin to vertical

fun Widget.setMargins(start: Int = 0, top: Int = 0, end: Int = 0, bottom: Int = 0)

Set margins.