
class FileMonitorImpl(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : FileMonitor

The FileMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FileMonitor class.


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constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

Creates a new instance of FileMonitor for the provided CPointer.


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val gioFileMonitorPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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open fun cancel(): Boolean

Cancels a file monitor.

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fun emitChanged(file: File, otherFile: File?, eventType: FileMonitorEvent)

Emits the "changed" signal. See onChanged.

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open fun emitEvent(child: File, otherFile: File, eventType: FileMonitorEvent)

Emits the #GFileMonitor::changed signal if a change has taken place. Should be called from file monitor implementations only.

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open fun isCancelled(): Boolean

Returns whether the monitor is canceled.

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fun onChanged(connectFlags: <Error class: unknown class> = ConnectFlags(0u), handler: (file: File, otherFile: File?, eventType: FileMonitorEvent) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Emitted when @file has been changed.

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open fun setRateLimit(limitMsecs: <Error class: unknown class>)

Sets the rate limit to which the @monitor will report consecutive change events to the same file.