Package-level declarations
A dialog showing information about the application.
A window showing information about the application.
Describes the available system accent colors.
A class@Gtk.ListBoxRow used to present actions.
A dialog presenting a message or a question.
Describes the possible states of an class@Animation.
Represents a value class@Animation can animate.
Prototype for animation targets based on user callbacks.
A base class for Adwaita applications.
A freeform application window.
A bottom sheet with an optional bottom bar.
Describes a breakpoint for class@Window or class@Dialog.
A widget that changes layout based on available size.
Describes condition for an class@Breakpoint.
Describes length types for struct@BreakpointCondition.
Describes ratio types for struct@BreakpointCondition.
A helper widget for creating buttons.
A class@Gtk.ListBoxRow that looks like a button.
An class@AnimationTarget that calls a given callback during the animation.
A dots indicator for class@Carousel.
A lines indicator for class@Carousel.
Describes title centering behavior of a class@HeaderBar widget.
A layout manager constraining its children to a given size.
A scrollable class@Clamp.
Application color schemes for property@StyleManager:color-scheme.
Describes the available presentation modes for class@Dialog.
A class@Gtk.ListBoxRow with an embedded text entry.
is the type of items in a class@EnumListModel.
A iface@Gio.ListModel representing values of a given enum.
A class@Gtk.ListBoxRow used to reveal widgets.
Describes the possible folding behavior of a class@Flap widget.
Describes transitions types of a class@Flap widget.
Determines when class@Flap and class@Leaflet will fold.
A child slot within class@Layout.
An auxiliary class used by class@Leaflet.
Describes the possible transitions in a class@Leaflet widget.
Describes length units.
A dialog presenting a message or a question.
A widget for switching between different layouts.
Describes the direction of a swipe navigation gesture.
A page within class@NavigationView or class@NavigationSplitView.
A widget presenting sidebar and content side by side or as a navigation view.
A page-based navigation container.
A widget presenting sidebar and content side by side or as an overlay.
A class@EntryRow tailored for entering secrets.
A dialog showing application's preferences.
A group of preference rows.
A page from class@PreferencesDialog.
A class@Gtk.ListBoxRow used to present preferences.
A window to present an application's preferences.
An class@AnimationTarget changing the value of a property of a class@GObject.Object instance.
Describes the possible styles of class@AlertDialog response buttons.
A paintable showing a loading spinner.
A combined button and dropdown widget.
A spring-based class@Animation.
Physical parameters of a spring for class@SpringAnimation.
An auxiliary class used by class@Squeezer.
Describes the possible transitions in a class@Squeezer widget.
A page used for empty/error states and similar use-cases.
A class for managing application-wide styling.
A swipe tracker used in class@Carousel, class@NavigationView and class@OverlaySplitView.
A tab overview for class@TabView.
Describes available shortcuts in an class@TabView.
A time-based class@Animation.
A widget showing toasts above its content.
class@Toast behavior when another toast is already displayed.
Describes the possible top or bottom bar styles in an class@ToolbarView widget.
A widget containing a page, as well as top and/or bottom bars.
An auxiliary class used by class@ViewStack.
An auxiliary class used by class@ViewStack.
An adaptive view switcher.
A view switcher action bar.
Describes the adaptive modes of class@ViewSwitcher.
A view switcher title.
A helper widget for setting a window's title and subtitle.