
constructor(string: String)

Tries to parse the given string into a trigger.

On success, the parsed trigger is returned. When parsing failed, null is returned.

The accepted strings are:

  • never, for GtkNeverTrigger

  • a string parsed by gtk_accelerator_parse(), for a GtkKeyvalTrigger, e.g. <Control>C

  • underscore, followed by a single character, for GtkMnemonicTrigger, e.g. _l

  • two valid trigger strings, separated by a | character, for a GtkAlternativeTrigger: <Control>q|<Control>w

Note that you will have to escape the < and > characters when specifying triggers in XML files, such as GtkBuilder ui files. Use `&lt;` instead of < and `&gt;` instead of >.


a new GtkShortcutTrigger



the string to parse

constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)