
open class GlibException(val error: Error)

An exception that represents a GLib GError that occurred.

All gtk-kn methods and functions that wrap a C function that uses the GError error mechanism from GLib return a Kotlin Result with GlibException as the throwable type for the failure case.

Constructors that use GError will throw GlibException since they cannot return a Result.

When gtk-kn is able to match the error domain to a domain and associated error enum that it knows about, a more specific subclass of GlibException is used. In this case the more specific subclass contains a code property that is strongly typed to the associated enum class. (for example FileErrorException has a code property of type FileError which can be used in an exhaustive when statement).

Note on automatic domain matching

Automatic domain matching currently only supports matching error domains from the module in which the throwing method is defined. For example, a method in the gtk4 module can only match error domains from gtk4.

In case you expect an error from an error domain in another module, you can use the GlibException.error property and match it manually against an error enum using its fromErrorOrNull() companion method.

try {
/* a method call that throws */
} catch (ex: GlibException) {
val fileError = FileError.fromErrorOrNull(ex.error)
if (fileError != null) {
when (fileError) {
FileError.EXISTS -> {}
FileError.ISDIR -> {}



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constructor(error: Error)


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the Error wrapping the GError struct that caused this exception.