
Parses a condition from a string.

Length conditions are specified as <type>: <value>[<unit>], where:

  • <type> can be min-width, max-width, min-height or max-height

  • <value> is a fractional number

  • <unit> can be px, pt or sp

If the unit is omitted, px is assumed.

See ctor@BreakpointCondition.new_length.


  • min-width: 500px

  • min-height: 400pt

  • max-width: 100sp

  • max-height: 500

Ratio conditions are specified as <type>: <width>[/<height>], where:

  • <type> can be min-aspect-ratio or max-aspect-ratio

  • <width> and <height> are integer numbers

See ctor@BreakpointCondition.new_ratio.

The ratio is represented as <width> divided by <height>.

If <height> is omitted, it's assumed to be 1.


  • min-aspect-ratio: 4/3

  • max-aspect-ratio: 1

The logical operators and, or can be used to compose a complex condition as follows:

  • <condition> and <condition>: the condition is true when both <condition>s are true, same as when using ctor@BreakpointCondition.new_and

  • <condition> or <condition>: the condition is true when either of the <condition>s is true, same as when using ctor@BreakpointCondition.new_or


  • min-width: 400px and max-aspect-ratio: 4/3

  • max-width: 360sp or max-width: 360px

Conditions can be further nested using parentheses, for example:

  • min-width: 400px and (max-aspect-ratio: 4/3 or max-height: 400px)

If parentheses are omitted, the first operator takes priority.


the parsed condition





the string specifying the condition