
fun setReleaseNotes(releaseNotes: String)

Sets the release notes for @self.

Release notes are displayed on the the What's New page.

Release notes are formatted the same way as AppStream descriptions.

The supported formatting options are:

  • Paragraph (<p>)

  • Ordered list (<ol>), with list items (<li>)

  • Unordered list (<ul>), with list items (<li>)

Within paragraphs and list items, emphasis (<em>) and inline code (<code>) text styles are supported. The emphasis is rendered in italic, while inline code is shown in a monospaced font.

Any text outside paragraphs or list items is ignored.

Nested lists are not supported.

AdwAboutWindow displays the version above the release notes. If set, the property@AboutWindow:release-notes-version of the property will be used as the version; otherwise, property@AboutWindow:version is used.





the release notes