
class RWLock(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Record

The GRWLock struct is an opaque data structure to represent a reader-writer lock. It is similar to a #GMutex in that it allows multiple threads to coordinate access to a shared resource.

The difference to a mutex is that a reader-writer lock discriminates between read-only ('reader') and full ('writer') access. While only one thread at a time is allowed write access (by holding the 'writer' lock via g_rw_lock_writer_lock()), multiple threads can gain simultaneous read-only access (by holding the 'reader' lock via g_rw_lock_reader_lock()).

It is unspecified whether readers or writers have priority in acquiring the lock when a reader already holds the lock and a writer is queued to acquire it.

Here is an example for an array with access functions: |[ GRWLock lock; GPtrArray *array;

gpointer my_array_get (guint index) { gpointer retval = NULL;

if (!array)
  return NULL;

g_rw_lock_reader_lock (&lock);
if (index < array->len)
  retval = g_ptr_array_index (array, index);
g_rw_lock_reader_unlock (&lock);

return retval;


void my_array_set (guint index, gpointer data) { g_rw_lock_writer_lock (&lock);

if (!array)
  array = g_ptr_array_new ();

if (index >= array->len)
  g_ptr_array_set_size (array, index+1);
g_ptr_array_index (array, index) = data;

g_rw_lock_writer_unlock (&lock);

} ]| This example shows an array which can be accessed by many readers (the my_array_get() function) simultaneously, whereas the writers (the my_array_set() function) will only be allowed one at a time and only if no readers currently access the array. This is because of the potentially dangerous resizing of the array. Using these functions is fully multi-thread safe now.

If a #GRWLock is allocated in static storage then it can be used without initialisation. Otherwise, you should call g_rw_lock_init() on it and g_rw_lock_clear() when done.

A GRWLock should only be accessed with the g_rw_lock_ functions.

Skipped during bindings generation

  • field p: Record field p is private

  • field i: Record field i is private




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constructor(pointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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object Companion : RecordCompanion<RWLock, <Error class: unknown class>>


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val glibRWLockPointer: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>


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fun clear()

Frees the resources allocated to a lock with g_rw_lock_init().

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fun init()

Initializes a #GRWLock so that it can be used.

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Obtain a read lock on @rw_lock. If another thread currently holds the write lock on @rw_lock, the current thread will block until the write lock was (held and) released. If another thread does not hold the write lock, but is waiting for it, it is implementation defined whether the reader or writer will block. Read locks can be taken recursively.

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Tries to obtain a read lock on @rw_lock and returns true if the read lock was successfully obtained. Otherwise it returns false.

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Release a read lock on @rw_lock.

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Obtain a write lock on @rw_lock. If another thread currently holds a read or write lock on @rw_lock, the current thread will block until all other threads have dropped their locks on @rw_lock.

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Tries to obtain a write lock on @rw_lock. If another thread currently holds a read or write lock on @rw_lock, it immediately returns false. Otherwise it locks @rw_lock and returns true.

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Release a write lock on @rw_lock.