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A GTK4 Widget is an object-oriented graphical user interface (GUI) element used in GTK4 toolkit, which provides a set of reusable components that can be used to build applications with a consistent look and feel. Widgets are the basic building blocks of a GTK4 application’s user interface, and they can be used to create buttons, text boxes, menus, and other user interface elements.

In GTK4, widgets are implemented as objects, which can be customized and controlled through properties and signals. Properties allow developers to set and retrieve the state of a widget, while signals allow widgets to respond to events, such as user input or changes to the widget’s state.

Widgets in GTK4 are organized into a hierarchy, with each widget having a parent widget and zero or more child widgets. The top-level widget in a GTK4 application is typically a window, which contains other widgets arranged in a layout.

GTK4 provides a large number of pre-built widgets that can be used out of the box, including buttons, text boxes, labels, combo boxes, tree views, and many more. Additionally, GTK4 also allows developers to create custom widgets by subclassing existing widgets or by creating new widgets from scratch.

Overall, GTK4 widgets provide a powerful and flexible way to create modern, responsive, and visually appealing user interfaces for desktop and mobile applications.