Package-level declarations
Enum values to specify a mode to check for syntax errors in jsc_context_check_syntax().
Enum values to specify the result of jsc_context_check_syntax().
A JSSClass represents a custom JavaScript class registered by the user in a #JSCContext. It allows to create new JavaScripts objects whose instances are created by the user using this API. It's possible to add constructors, properties and methods for a JSSClass by providing #GCallbacks to implement them.
The type of delete_property in #JSCClassVTable. This is only required when you need to handle external properties not added to the prototype.
The type of enumerate_properties in #JSCClassVTable. This is only required when you need to handle external properties not added to the prototype.
The type of get_property in #JSCClassVTable. This is only required when you need to handle external properties not added to the prototype.
The type of has_property in #JSCClassVTable. This is only required when you need to handle external properties not added to the prototype.
Virtual table for a JSCClass. This can be optionally used when registering a #JSCClass in a #JSCContext to provide a custom implementation for the class. All virtual functions are optional and can be set to null to fallback to the default implementation.
Function used to handle JavaScript exceptions in a #JSCContext.
Function used to iterate options.
Enum values for options types.
Possible types of the elements contained in a typed array.
Flags used when defining properties with jsc_value_object_define_property_data() and jsc_value_object_define_property_accessor().
JSCVirtualMachine represents a group of JSCContexts. It allows concurrent JavaScript execution by creating a different instance of JSCVirtualMachine in each thread.
JSCWeakValue represents a weak reference to a value in a #JSCContext. It can be used to keep a reference to a JavaScript value without protecting it from being garbage collected and without referencing the #JSCContext either.