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Experience the power and versatility of the GNOME stack in Kotlin/Native with gtk-kn.

Our project provides secure and dependable bindings to critical libraries like GLib, Pango, Cairo and GTK4, empowering you to create high-quality applications with ease.

Get started


A basic hello world example that puts a window on the screen with a button and a signal handler.

private const val APP_ID = "org.gtkkn.samples.gtk.helloworld"

fun main() {
    // Create a new application
    val app = Application(APP_ID, ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE)

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`
    app.connectActivate {
        // Create a button with label and margins
        val button = Button()
        button.setLabel("Click me!")

        // Connect to "clicked" signal of `button`
        button.connectClicked {
            // Set the label to "Hello World!" after the button has been clicked on
            button.setLabel("Hello World!")

        // Create a window and set the title
        val window = ApplicationWindow(app)
        window.setTitle("My GTK App")

        // Present window

    // Run the application

Full step-by-step instructions can be found here.

From Setup to Deployment

The gtk-kn User Guide is an essential resource for developers looking to explore the capabilities of our project. The guide is designed to provide step-by-step instructions for integrating gtk-kn into your Kotlin/Native project, along with detailed explanations of the various features and functionalities that our project provides. From basic setup instructions to more advanced use cases, the gtk-kn User Guide offers a comprehensive overview of the project, complete with code examples and practical tips for getting the most out of your development experience. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with Kotlin/Native, the gtk-kn User Guide is an invaluable resource that will help you achieve your goals quickly and efficiently.


The content of this documentation has been inspired by several projects and resources that have helped in its creation.

First and foremost, the creators and maintainers of the GTK libraries deserve recognition for their contribution in developing an excellent toolkit for building graphical user interfaces.

In addition, the following projects and resources have been invaluable in creating this documentation:

Without the help of these projects and resources, this documentation would not have been possible. Their hard work and dedication to the GTK ecosystem are greatly appreciated.


The guide itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The only exception are the code snippets, which are licensed under the MIT license.